Stephen Holt, MD, PhD, FACP
Here are my most recent posts:

Yale Researchers Have Found a Drug to Reverse Fatty Liver
Take a look at promising new studies on reversing fatty liver, as well as lifestyle prevention tips you can do on your own.

Liver Protection Is as Important as Protecting Your Heart: Here’s Why
Heart disease may have dominated headlines this year, but liver disease is a rising and serious medical epidemic. Find out some of the best healthy foods and vitamins you can use to help protect and repair your liver.

Weight and Obesity May No Longer Be Leading Indicators of Fatty Liver Disease
New research from The Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR) discusses why lean people are not exempt from developing fatty liver disease.

Can Sunlight Actually Impact Your Liver’s Health?
Is there a direct link between climate, sunlight and the health of your liver?

Liver Disease and Sex: An Informative Guide
This article discusses questions that may arise about engaging in sex while living with liver disease, including those concerning sexual dysfunction and low libido.

Is CBD Safe for You and Your Liver?
This article examines various studies on the safety of CBD for you and your liver. We expose missing details and unanswered questions concerning a recent, controversial study claiming that CBD can damage your liver.

How to Know if Your Pet Is Suffering from Liver Disease
Find out the signs and symptoms of liver disease in cats and dogs, and how you can help prevent and treat it.

What Foods Are Good for Liver Repair?
Discover some of the best fruits, veggies, warm beverages, grains and more that will keep your liver in tiptop shape!

Celery Benefits Your Liver – and Beyond
Find out the many ways celery provides liver health benefits. You’ll also discover how celery can help you lose weight, assist in better sleep and improve brain health. PLUS! A special celery juice recipe and tips on the best ways to buy and enjoy celery.

Can CBD Cure Drug Addiction and Support My Liver?
Get the scoop on why CBD shows great promise in treating drug addiction, as well as how it can help support the health of your liver.

I Have Liver Disease – What Are My Protein Needs?
Discover how much protein you should be eating if you have liver disease, as well as the best sources of protein to meet your needs.

Does Detox Tea Help Your Liver?
Find out which ingredients you should look for in a detox tea, the health benefits of drinking detox teas and, importantly, if a detox tea will support your liver.

How Does CBD Oil Support Your Liver?
Get the detailed scoop on research trials that show how CBD oil can potentially reduce the effects of liver damage.

The Best Liver Detoxes and Liver Cleanses Out There
Find out the difference between a liver cleanse and a liver detox, as well as discover which one is best for you and your liver.

Does Liver Cancer Cause Green Stool?
Sometimes the color and shape of your stool is cause for concern, either due to liver disease or some other health matter. Find out what it means when your stool is green.

8 Things You Need to Know About Pregnancy, Liver Disease and Liver Fibrosis
Find out how liver disease and liver fibrosis can affect your pregnancy, as well as other answers to your questions concerning pregnancy and liver health.

What Medications Can Cause High Liver Enzymes?
Find out if any of the medications you are taking could be the source of your high liver enzymes, a negative side effect of some OTC and prescription medications.

Liver Cirrhosis Treatment – A Definitive Guide (2018)
Once the liver has entered a state of cirrhosis, or scarring, the damage can’t be reversed. Cirrhosis can, however, be managed and treated. Some of your treatment options will depend on the underlying disease causing the cirrhosis. If the disease can be addressed the progress of scarring can be halted. And because the liver is […]

Think You’re Too Young to Get Liver Disease? Think Again.
Liver disease was once perceived as something only older adults needed to worry about. Discover why this is false, as well as 3 steps you can take to manage and reverse liver damage.