Stephen Holt, MD, PhD, FACP
Here are my most recent posts:

Identifying Liver Pain
Learn why liver pain can occur, as well as where and how it can be felt in your body.

The Best Diet for a Healthy Liver
Discover 7 valuable diet tips to improve the health of your liver.

3 Milk Thistle Benefits You Should Know
Discover why milk thistle goes above and beyond supporting healthy liver function.

The Link Between Obesity and Liver Cancer
What is the connection between being overweight and developing cancer?

Symptoms of Liver Disease You Should Know
Is your liver functioning normally? Learn about 7 signs that may be indicative of a liver problem.

The 5 Best Foods for Your Liver
Optimize your liver’s health and function with these powerhouse foods.

4 Warning Signs of Liver Cancer to Watch Out For
Find out the signs of – as well as risk factors for developing – liver cancer.

Reishi Mushrooms Are Valuable for Liver Health
Discover all of the amazing benefits of Reishi mushrooms!

6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Your Liver
You have the power to put out the flames of liver inflammation by adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet. Consider stocking up on blueberries, pineapple and four more anti-inflammatory foods.

6 Ways to Manage Stress for Better Liver Health
Managing stress is vital to overall health, and especially to those who suffer from compromised liver function.

Tamarind Fruit Offers Liver Protective Qualities
Find out how tamarind, a pod-like fruit, can benefit the health of your liver.

Pears Can Assist Your Liver
Discover the liver health benefits of eating pears, including the best ways to add the sweet fruit to your diet.

Papaya Seeds for Liver Health
Learn about papaya seeds’ digestive enhancing enzymes, and why seeds from this fruit are an ally for liver health.

Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Fish oil is the most reliable source of active omega-3 fatty acids (referred to as eicosapentanoic, EPA and docosahexanoic acid or DHA).