Alternative Healthcare

Using Traditional Chinese Medicine for Liver and Eye Health
With three common liver imbalances to choose from, learn how selecting the right dietary therapy strategy can help improve eyesight.

Does Milk Thistle Have Contraindications?
Known as a safe and effective herb that supports liver health, find out why milk thistle has some concerned about its ability to cause harm.

L-Carnitine May Help a Fatty Liver
In conjunction with diet and exercise, learn why a popular, bodybuilding supplement offers hope for those with fatty liver disease.

The Link Between Macular Degeneration and Liver Health
Learn why preserving vision and maintaining liver health share several commonalities.

Selenium Boosts Liver Protection Regimens
As long as you don’t take too much of this trace element, learn why incorporating selenium-rich foods into your diet could help protect your liver from harm.

Could Curcumin Help Your Liver?
New research demonstrates that a compound in curry could help in the management of chronic liver disease.

N-Acetyl Cysteine Treats Acute Liver Failure
A supplement good enough for reversing liver failure, learn why NAC is a worthy contender for protecting the liver.

Is Vitamin K Good for Your Liver?
If you are considering which vitamins might be beneficial to your liver’s health, make sure you know about the pros and cons of supplementing with Vitamin K.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Helps Ease Liver-Related Fatigue
People with chronic liver disease who are struggling with fatigue could reclaim their energy levels by supplementing with Alpha Lipoic Acid.

Detoxification Revealed
Learn about the importance of detoxification, our liver’s role in removing toxins, as well as four valuable tips for detoxification – such as eating nutritiously and relieving stress.

Is Vitamin E Wise for Liver Health?
New research on Vitamin E suggests that it could play a role in treating a fatty liver. However, one of Vitamin E’s characteristics does not necessarily make supplementing with it a good choice.

Omega-3’s Benefits Now Include Liver Protection
Liver protection is now among the reasons to eat or supplement with omega-3 fatty acids. While this is great news for those with liver disease, make sure you know about the cautions associated with this supposedly healthy oil.

Newly Discovered Fatty Liver Mechanism Supports Antioxidant Use
Recent advances in cellular biology found a direct relationship between cellular stress and a fatty liver. Because they impact the exact mechanism forming this relationship, antioxidants are an absolute must for those with fatty liver concerns.

Why a Healthy Liver Equals Healthy Eyes
Anyone can struggle with eye problems. However, the connection between the liver and eyes means that those with liver disease are more prone to declining eyesight. Luckily, there are strategies to support both of these valuable organs.

Six Reasons Why Bupleurum Is Used for Liver Health
Learn about the many strengths of sho-saiko-to’s main ingredient, Bupleurum – and find out why sho-saiko-to is considered to be one of the most effective liver support formulas worldwide.

Green Tea Promotes a Lean Liver
A recent study was conducted on how green tea impacts a fatty liver. Discover why experts now encourage those living with fatty liver disease to make drinking this beverage a daily ritual.

Fortifying Yin: Chinese Secrets for Battling Chronic Liver Disease
In accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), chronic illness – including liver disease – can increasingly drain the body’s supply of yin. Discover what yin is, as well as the signs and symptoms of its depletion, such as dizziness and night sweats. More importantly, learn how you can take an active role in fortifying yin through nutrition, including the most beneficial foods and herbs to consume, and the best ways to prepare the foods.

Music Helps a Fatty Liver
For individuals living with liver disease, a common goal on December 31st is to leave ill health, failed treatments and poor lifestyle choices behind while greeting the New Year with a healthier liver. New Year’s Eve represents the quintessential time to put this plan into action. By choosing a New Year’s resolution most aligned with your health goals, such as exercising regularly, you can feel good about starting the year with your best foot forward. Research shows that consistent exercise protects against fatty liver disease. Because music helps exercisers adhere to their program, it could be a great help in preventing a fatty liver.

N-Acetyl Cysteine Reduces Flu Symptoms
In addition to the research clearly demonstrating this supplement’s ability to battle the flu, N-Acetyl Cysteine has several properties that make it a must have in your arsenal for staying healthy this winter.