Alternative Healthcare

Conquering Insomnia

Sep 9th, 2008

Sleep is important to your health and plays a significant role in fighting liver disease. Find out five common reasons why people with a compromised liver are susceptible to insomnia. Also, learn how alcohol affects sleep as well as seven liver-friendly tips for conquering insomnia.

Liver Related Headaches

An Alternate Approach to Liver-Related Headaches

Jul 9th, 2008

Although Western medicine may not clearly link the two, headaches can be related to your liver’s health. If a doctor’s prescription has little effect on your head pain, a different tactic may be in order.

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N-Acetyl Cysteine is a Liver’s Ally

May 20th, 2008

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body defend against toxicity, and it is most needed by those living with chronic liver disease. Because the stress of chronic liver disease also depletes this valuable antioxidant, learn why supplementing with one of its precursors helps defend against future liver damage.

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UltraThistle vs. Maximum Milk Thistle

Jan 29th, 2008

People living with chronic liver disease can take charge of their health by choosing the milk thistle that benefits them most. Though Maximum Milk Thistle and UltraThistle are the strongest liver support supplements available, they have slightly different indications.

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Can Milk Thistle Prevent Liver Cancer?

Dec 28th, 2007

Thanks to recent liver cancer research, the long history of milk thistle’s effectiveness in protecting the liver gains even more credibility.

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The Natural Supplement for Metabolic Health

Aug 23rd, 2007

Metabolic syndrome has risen as the premiere catch-all phrase describing the declining health condition of our modern culture. Learn what causes this increasingly common condition and the benefits of taking a natural supplement to aid in the support and protection of your liver.

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How Green Tea Protects Against Liver Fibrosis

Jul 16th, 2007

The green tea leaf is regarded very highly around the world and has been linked to an overwhelming array of health benefits. Find out how anyone interested in supporting liver health and preventing liver fibrosis can benefit from the moderate consumption of green tea.

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The Connection Between Stress Relief and Liver Health

May 29th, 2007

Avoiding stress is a common suggestion for anyone who receives the unfortunate news of a serious health condition, including liver disease. Learn how a basic principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine can help relieve stress and discover easy ways to support the health of your liver in the process.

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Probiotics Help Support Liver Health

Mar 15th, 2007

An imbalance of the digestive system’s delicate environment may be the underlying cause of many ailments, including fatty liver disease. Healthcare practitioners have long suspected that an abundance of certain intestinal bacteria renders its host vulnerable to disease. Discover how certain probiotics can support the liver by preventing fat accumulation in this crucial organ.

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Fatty Liver Disease Remedies

Oct 5th, 2006

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (also referred to as NAFLD) has become the most common liver ailment in American adults. Learn more about three dietary supplements, then when combined with lifestyle changes, can help reverse NAFLD’s effects before it causes permanent liver damage.

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Silybin Lowers Harmful Cholesterol Levels

Aug 18th, 2006

The health benefits of milk thistle are largely a result of one of its components: silybin. Learn how this clinically proven liver protector can also help lower the levels of harmful cholesterol.

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The Herbal Remedy Getting Attention

Jul 17th, 2006

Learn more about an herbal remedy that is garnering the attention of the western medical community as a natural alternative in preventing the progression of liver disease.

spring clean your liver

Spring Cleaning for Your Liver (a la TCM — Traditional Chinese Medicine)

2 May 8th, 2006

Just as the environment adjusts to each seasonal change, so does the human body. The liver is activated in the spring, providing us the opportune time to enhance this organ’s health. Learn why the spring release of stored emotions is a powerful way to support the liver.

liver fibrosis

Preventing Fibrosis with Silybin Phytosome®

May 5th, 2006

A commonly prescribed medicinal plant, milk thistle’s protective properties to the liver have been supported by hundreds of research studies around the world. This recent article discusses one such study involving the milk thistle extract, Silybin Phytosome® and its ability to prevent the hardening of the liver, a potential effect of liver disease.

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