
FDA-Approved Drug for Cirrhosis Can Also Treat Dementia
A common liver treatment is proving itself an effective tool in the fight against dementia.

A New Reliable Way to Test Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis
Researchers from the University of San Diego and the Salt Lake Institute created a microbiome-based diagnostic tool which can detect fibrosis and liver cirrhosis with 90% reliability!

What Does Reiki Have to Do with Your Liver?
Discover the symbiotic relationship between balanced energy flow and a healthy liver.

I Have Liver Disease – What Are My Protein Needs?
Discover how much protein you should be eating if you have liver disease, as well as the best sources of protein to meet your needs.

Liver Cirrhosis Treatment – A Definitive Guide (2018)
Once the liver has entered a state of cirrhosis, or scarring, the damage can’t be reversed. Cirrhosis can, however, be managed and treated. Some of your treatment options will depend on the underlying disease causing the cirrhosis. If the disease can be addressed the progress of scarring can be halted. And because the liver is […]

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Methods
Liver fibrosis tests are necessary for those with chronic liver disease. Find out why your physician may order a combination of liver biopsy and/or non-invasive liver fibrosis testing, as well as the pros and cons of these methods.

What Is Liver Cirrhosis and How Is it Prevented?
Liver disease, regardless of the cause, is considered to take place in four basic stages. Find out how you can prevent liver cirrhosis.

The Best Diet for a Healthy Liver
Discover 7 valuable diet tips to improve the health of your liver.

6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Your Liver
You have the power to put out the flames of liver inflammation by adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet. Consider stocking up on blueberries, pineapple and four more anti-inflammatory foods.

Safety Bulletin: Pain Relievers and Liver Disease
Learn how to keep your liver as safe as possible when choosing a pain reliever with chronic liver disease.

Top 3 Causes of a Fatty Liver
Learn the top three reasons people get a fatty liver and tips to help prevent or reverse it.

16 Common and Not-So-Common Signs of Liver Problems
Signs of liver disease can be vague. Do you suffer from any of these signs of a bad liver?

The Advantages of Consuming Protein for Liver Health
Once associated with bodybuilders looking to increase muscle mass, protein powders actually have many applications – including helping those with some types of liver problems.

What You Need to Know About Jaundice
Learn all about jaundice – what it is, how it happens, and what conditions can lead to this yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes caused by abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream.

Genetic Insight into a Fatty Liver: Visceral Fat vs. Subcutaneous Fat
Is it true that your race might determine where you store fat and, thus, may make you more or less vulnerable to fatty liver disease?

Exposing 5 Common Myths About Liver Disease
When conceptions about liver disease stray far from the truth, efforts to prevent, detect and treat are hampered.

The Link Between Liver Disease and Dairy Problems
Likely a consequence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth, many people with chronic liver disease may have difficulty digesting dairy.

Cirrhosis Warning: Skip These Salty Dishes
Find out which high sodium meals people with cirrhosis must avoid when dining at these 10 popular restaurant chains.