Food & Your Liver

Impact of Food Color on the Liver
Don’t depend on the FDA for your safety. Know which synthetic food dyes may be harmful to your liver.

Does the Liver Benefit from Coconut Oil?
A fat used in baking and sautéing, coconut oil may harbor some exciting protective effects for the liver.

Improve Your Gastrointestinal Health with Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes
Two different types of supplements offer gut support for those with liver concerns.

Study: Probiotics Exert Dual Action to Aid a Fatty Liver
A common probiotic has been shown to minimize lipogenesis and promote lipolysis – complementary actions that both prevent and reverse fat from accumulating in the liver.

Cautions to Heed Before a Liver Detox
Putting in the extra effort to detoxify your liver can significantly improve your liver’s health, but be aware of which cautions might apply.

8 Great Foods for Detoxing the Liver
Food is medicine – eating the right ones are essential for a liver detox diet.

New Link Between MSG and Fatty Liver
Besides giving you a headache and heart palpitations, MSG (monosodium glutamate) might be contributing to obesity and a fatty, inflamed liver.

New Research: Blocking Fructose from Causing a Fatty Liver
Eating a lot of sugar can accelerate fat accumulation in the liver and initiate metabolic syndrome, but a new study may have found a way around this dilemma.

Chinese Medicine Links Liver Disease with Insomnia
Looking to Traditional Chinese Medicine helps explain why someone with liver disease keeps waking in the middle of the night – and also provides insight on how to slumber soundly.

The Link Between Liver Disease and Dairy Problems
Likely a consequence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth, many people with chronic liver disease may have difficulty digesting dairy.

Gluten’s Role in Liver Disease and 7 Ways to Protect Yourself
As the incidence of liver disease grows in the U.S., experts are identifying ways that we may be harming our livers without knowing it. Could it be that your morning toast is making you sick?

Cirrhosis Warning: Skip These Salty Dishes
Find out which high sodium meals people with cirrhosis must avoid when dining at these 10 popular restaurant chains.

Liver Cancer Risk Heightens Weight Loss Urgency
Understanding the plea for insurance coverage of lap-band surgery to prevent liver cancer reiterates why stopping fatty liver disease is imperative.

Onions Play a Flavorful Role in Liver Health
Onions are an underappreciated vegetable. Not only do they provide flavor and taste to a variety of dishes, but they also have several health benefits – particularly for the liver.

Good Health for 2014: Five Ways to Protect Against Fatty Liver
Incorporating these five, simple strategies into your life can help you lose excess weight and prevent fatty liver disease.

Garlic Is Good for the Liver
Find out why cooking with garlic is a logical step towards supporting your liver’s health.

Choosing the Right Pie for Liver Health
When faced with apple, pumpkin and pecan pie, learn how to make the best holiday pie choice for supporting your liver’s well-being.

Is Turkey a Good Food for Liver Health?
Thanksgiving meals tend to revolve around turkey. Discover if this lean meat has any liver health benefits.

Liver Health Ideas: Pumpkin Seeds Trump Chips!
Discover several reasons why those with liver concerns are better served with a handful of pumpkin seeds than a bagful of chips.