
Snacking 101: Protein Bars for a Lean Liver
Luckily, choosing a great protein bar can help satisfy hunger without furthering liver fat accumulation.

The Advantages of Consuming Protein for Liver Health
Once associated with bodybuilders looking to increase muscle mass, protein powders actually have many applications – including helping those with some types of liver problems.

Chew on This: Why a Healthy Weight Helps the Liver
The new snacking solution for a healthier weight, a healthier liver and a healthier you.

8 Great Foods for Detoxing the Liver
Food is medicine – eating the right ones are essential for a liver detox diet.

Exercise for Chronic Liver Disease
If you suffer from liver disease, exercise is the probably last thing you want to do. Here’s why you should force yourself to get up and go.

Liver Cancer Risk Heightens Weight Loss Urgency
Understanding the plea for insurance coverage of lap-band surgery to prevent liver cancer reiterates why stopping fatty liver disease is imperative.

Good Health for 2014: Five Ways to Protect Against Fatty Liver
Incorporating these five, simple strategies into your life can help you lose excess weight and prevent fatty liver disease.

Diabetes and Liver Disease Are Entangled
November is National Diabetes Month. Learn how closely liver disease and diabetes are connected.

4 Easy Movements to Exercise Your Liver
Regular exercise is an important component in fighting liver disease. People who are in good shape and exercise on a regular basis not only feel better, but often respond more positively to medical treatment. To people with liver disease, the benefits of exercising are numerous.

Love Your Liver on Valentine’s Day
If managing a fatty liver, swap three daily routines with the suggestions listed below for a new way to pronounce your love on Valentine’s Day.

Do Underarm Deodorants Impact Liver Health?
Those with chronic liver disease ought to know how their deodorant could be straining their liver.

Mindless Eating Is a Liver’s Foe
Tackling the issue of mindless eating, these five strategies can help avert fat accumulation in the liver.

Is Bleach Bad for Your Liver?
Whether it’s in your water, hair dye, laundry detergent or toilet bowl cleaner, learn why bleach is not the most liver-friendly compound.

Hair Color for the Liver Conscious
Hair color can improve self-image and thus lift the spirits of a person living with chronic liver disease. Before partaking in this beauty ritual, review these five suggestions for reducing the toxic load these products can place on your liver.

Does Alcohol Offer Stress Relief?
Even though many people use alcohol to ease stress, there is evidence that it does just the opposite – especially when it comes to stressing the liver.

The Mediterranean Diet and Your Liver
With over a quarter of American adults affected by fatty liver disease and countless more receiving a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, strategies to reverse these trends are in high demand.

Four Holiday Food Swaps Your Liver Will Love
Since many holiday recipes can aggravate liver disease, consider swapping them out for dishes that are conducive to the liver’s well being.

Anger Inflames Liver Disease
Proving that our physical bodies are influenced by strong emotions, excessive anger can wreck havoc on those with liver disease.