Liver Disease

Medications to Avoid with Fatty Liver Disease
Find out which medications to avoid with fatty liver disease. Plus, learn how you can know if a medication is safe when you have NAFLD.

FDA Clears New Technology for Early Liver Disease Diagnosis
FDA gives clearance on new tools to reduce the cost of diagnosing liver disease and improve the ability to obtain the diagnosis earlier.

A Potential Liver Disease Treatment That Involves Magnesium and Its Protein Transporter
Discover magnesium’s relationship with your liver, as well as its possible role in a new liver disease treatment.

A New Therapy Has Been Tested for its Capability of Fighting Liver Disease
Researchers from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus may have discovered a new therapy to fight liver disease.

Liver Disease and Sex: An Informative Guide
This article discusses questions that may arise about engaging in sex while living with liver disease, including those concerning sexual dysfunction and low libido.

Is CBD Safe for You and Your Liver?
This article examines various studies on the safety of CBD for you and your liver. We expose missing details and unanswered questions concerning a recent, controversial study claiming that CBD can damage your liver.

What Does Reiki Have to Do with Your Liver?
Discover the symbiotic relationship between balanced energy flow and a healthy liver.

How to Know if Your Pet Is Suffering from Liver Disease
Find out the signs and symptoms of liver disease in cats and dogs, and how you can help prevent and treat it.

I Have Liver Disease – What Are My Protein Needs?
Discover how much protein you should be eating if you have liver disease, as well as the best sources of protein to meet your needs.

Does Liver Disease Treat Men and Women Equally?
Discover if gender can have anything to do with the manifestation of liver disease. If so, do men or women have it worse?

8 Things You Need to Know About Pregnancy, Liver Disease and Liver Fibrosis
Find out how liver disease and liver fibrosis can affect your pregnancy, as well as other answers to your questions concerning pregnancy and liver health.

Think You’re Too Young to Get Liver Disease? Think Again.
Liver disease was once perceived as something only older adults needed to worry about. Discover why this is false, as well as 3 steps you can take to manage and reverse liver damage.

Can This Everyday Drink Help You Support Your Liver Health?
According to a recent study conducted at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, coffee might actually be beneficial for your liver.

How Liver Disease and Depression Can Impact Relationships and Sexual Function
Your liver is so essential to your body that it has a big impact on both your physical and mental health. Unfortunately, that includes even the most intimate areas of our lives.

10 Medications to Be Wary of With Liver Disease
Doctors ought to know that these 10 medications should be used with great caution in those with compromised liver function. Regardless, your awareness of what to be wary of can help prevent mistakes from happening.

Liver Health Summer Safety Bulletin: Saltwater Swimming
If you have chronic liver disease, consider any open wounds as a warning to delay your ocean swim until it is healed.

Spring Is the Ideal Time to Clean Your Liver
Find out why your liver often becomes congested during wintertime, and learn five ways to prepare your liver for the energetic spike in spring.

How Your Medicine Cabinet Is Affecting Your Liver Health
There are more than the usual suspects, like over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers, that you should know the facts about when it comes to liver health.