Liver Fibrosis

A New Reliable Way to Test Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis

A New Reliable Way to Test Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis

Researchers from the University of San Diego and the Salt Lake Institute created a microbiome-based diagnostic tool which can detect fibrosis and liver cirrhosis with 90% reliability!

Aug 3rd, 2020
8 Things You Need to Know About Pregnancy, Liver Disease and Liver Fibrosis

8 Things You Need to Know About Pregnancy, Liver Disease and Liver Fibrosis

Nov 2nd, 2018

Find out how liver disease and liver fibrosis can affect your pregnancy, as well as other answers to your questions concerning pregnancy and liver health.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Methods

4 Apr 10th, 2017

Liver fibrosis tests are necessary for those with chronic liver disease. Find out why your physician may order a combination of liver biopsy and/or non-invasive liver fibrosis testing, as well as the pros and cons of these methods.

Ginger Root Tea for Liver Health

Apr 13th, 2016

This common, spicy root can reduce fat in the liver and deflect liver damage.

Four Spices that Aid Weight Loss and Liver Health

2 Jan 5th, 2016

Four spectacular spices can make your food extra tasty while also helping you achieve a healthy weight and protect your liver.

Juicing Marijuana – A Blessing to Liver Health

31 Aug 4th, 2015

Forget about smoking it – juicing marijuana might be the best way to prevent and heal chronic liver disease!

7 Ways to Stop Liver Scar Progression

5 Jan 27th, 2014

Hone your awareness of liver scar progression, the importance of stopping its advancement and seven strategies to accomplish this goal.

Improved Liver Evaluation Test Available in the U.S.

7 Jan 13th, 2014

The FDA gave FibroScan® the green light, an approval projected to drastically improve liver fibrosis testing.

New Hope for Liver Scars

16 Aug 20th, 2012

Those with chronic liver disease can pray for the reversal of liver fibrosis, but new research gives hope for a more scientific approach.

New Angle for Tackling Liver Fibrosis

5 Sep 20th, 2011

Innovative research from UCLA could lead to a therapeutic approach for preventing liver disease progression.

Medical Marijuana, Alcoholism and Your Liver

Medical Marijuana, Alcoholism and Your Liver

34 Mar 10th, 2011

Medical marijuana initiatives are becoming increasingly popular, and people hoping to recover from alcoholism may be one of the benefactors. Those with chronic liver disease must abstain from alcohol to regain their health, but using medical marijuana to achieve this goal has a major drawback.

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Sulfasalazine’s Potential for Reversing Fibrosis

1 Mar 17th, 2008

Investigation into why a liver becomes fibrotic and possibly cirrhotic has led English researchers on a quest to stop this undesirable chain of events. By discovering that sulfasalazine holds promise for reversing scar tissue in the liver, they may have changed the future treatment goals for liver disease.

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How Green Tea Protects Against Liver Fibrosis

Jul 16th, 2007

The green tea leaf is regarded very highly around the world and has been linked to an overwhelming array of health benefits. Find out how anyone interested in supporting liver health and preventing liver fibrosis can benefit from the moderate consumption of green tea.

liver fibrosis

Preventing Fibrosis with Silybin Phytosome®

May 5th, 2006

A commonly prescribed medicinal plant, milk thistle’s protective properties to the liver have been supported by hundreds of research studies around the world. This recent article discusses one such study involving the milk thistle extract, Silybin Phytosome® and its ability to prevent the hardening of the liver, a potential effect of liver disease.

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