Liver Health

Gluten’s Role in Liver Disease and 7 Ways to Protect Yourself
As the incidence of liver disease grows in the U.S., experts are identifying ways that we may be harming our livers without knowing it. Could it be that your morning toast is making you sick?

Liver Cancer Risk Heightens Weight Loss Urgency
Understanding the plea for insurance coverage of lap-band surgery to prevent liver cancer reiterates why stopping fatty liver disease is imperative.

Onions Play a Flavorful Role in Liver Health
Onions are an underappreciated vegetable. Not only do they provide flavor and taste to a variety of dishes, but they also have several health benefits – particularly for the liver.

Dark Urine Could Indicate a Liver Problem
Urine that is orange, amber or brown might signify liver disease. Know what you can rule out and which other symptoms might point to the same conclusion.

Your Liver’s Reaction to the Power of Love
Valentine’s Day is a holiday of love; it can promote recognition that the highest positive emotion has potent liver-protective properties.

The Importance of Bile Flow and Liver Health
Make sure you understand why the production, secretion and flow of bile is essential for maintaining optimal liver health.

Good Health for 2014: Five Ways to Protect Against Fatty Liver
Incorporating these five, simple strategies into your life can help you lose excess weight and prevent fatty liver disease.

7 Ways to Preserve Liver Health – And Ease Holiday Stress
Stress is abundant this time of year and it can harm liver health. Try these seven natural stress relievers to reduce the burden on your liver – and your emotional well-being.

Garlic Is Good for the Liver
Find out why cooking with garlic is a logical step towards supporting your liver’s health.

Choosing the Right Pie for Liver Health
When faced with apple, pumpkin and pecan pie, learn how to make the best holiday pie choice for supporting your liver’s well-being.

Is Turkey a Good Food for Liver Health?
Thanksgiving meals tend to revolve around turkey. Discover if this lean meat has any liver health benefits.

Diabetes and Liver Disease Are Entangled
November is National Diabetes Month. Learn how closely liver disease and diabetes are connected.

Know About the Combo that Can Lead to Liver Failure
Taking medication to relieve severe pain is understandable; but make sure you don’t choose a combination that can stop your liver from functioning.

The Hormone, Prolactin, Might Help Liver Regeneration
New findings show the possibility of prolactin’s (milk-maker hormone) ability to improve regeneration when the liver becomes compromised, or after surgery.

Is Decaf Coffee Good for Your Liver?
Drinking coffee seems to be a healthful habit for those with chronic liver disease, but this understanding may not necessarily apply to decaf.

3 Safe Ways to Detox Your Liver
In honor of Liver Awareness Month, publicity of detoxification diets escalates in October. Before embarking on a liver cleanse, learn what to avoid and which three detox approaches are safe and effective.

Two Comprehensive Liver Formulas: SST and Clinical LiverSupport
Though emerging from different eras and cultures, SST and Clinical LiverSupport both shield the liver from illness in four similar ways.

Honey – A Sweetener Your Liver Can Appreciate
More than just a sticky substitute for sugar, there are several liver-related reasons that honey is the preferred sweetener.

4 Ways the Eyes Reflect Liver Problems
Noticing one of these four manifestations in the eyes can help people prevent or address an emerging issue with their liver’s well-being.