Liver Health

The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health

The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health

144 Jun 5th, 2012

Understanding cognitive impairment makes the link between brain fog, fatigue and chronic liver disease apparent.

Investigating the Serotonin-Liver Relationship

24 Mar 23rd, 2012

Serotonin, the hormone known to make people happy, may also be deeply involved in liver fibrosis.

Do Underarm Deodorants Impact Liver Health?

12 Feb 28th, 2012

Those with chronic liver disease ought to know how their deodorant could be straining their liver.

Why Liver Problems Require a Look at Celiac Disease

5 Feb 9th, 2012

Due to an apparent link between the two ailments, those with liver disease are advised to be evaluated for Celiac disease, and vice versa.

Is Bleach Bad for Your Liver?

13 Jan 11th, 2012

Whether it’s in your water, hair dye, laundry detergent or toilet bowl cleaner, learn why bleach is not the most liver-friendly compound.

Hair Color for the Liver Conscious

8 Dec 20th, 2011

Hair color can improve self-image and thus lift the spirits of a person living with chronic liver disease. Before partaking in this beauty ritual, review these five suggestions for reducing the toxic load these products can place on your liver.

Anger Inflames Liver Disease

Oct 13th, 2011

Proving that our physical bodies are influenced by strong emotions, excessive anger can wreck havoc on those with liver disease.

New Angle for Tackling Liver Fibrosis

5 Sep 20th, 2011

Innovative research from UCLA could lead to a therapeutic approach for preventing liver disease progression.

Simultaneous Support of Heart and Liver Health

1 Sep 2nd, 2011

When it comes to managing high cholesterol, people no longer need to choose between heart health and liver health.

Ten Obesity and Fatty Liver Disease Fighting Tips

2 Aug 15th, 2011

Besides helping to keep extra weight off, these easy to incorporate suggestions also help defend against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

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Protecting Your Liver From Nuclear Radiation

Apr 6th, 2011

As the nuclear reactor crisis in Japan unfolds, some folks on the United State’s West Coast are worrying about radiation exposure. Although those with liver disease may be more prone to illness from a nuclear accident, there are several ways to mitigate the danger.

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A Happy Liver Will Make Your Holidays Happier Too

Nov 3rd, 2010

Learn six tips that can help your liver and your holiday season abundant with joy and good health.

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Detoxification Revealed

Jun 9th, 2010

Learn about the importance of detoxification, our liver’s role in removing toxins, as well as four valuable tips for detoxification – such as eating nutritiously and relieving stress.

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Will Recent Oil Spill Impact Those With Liver Disease?

Jun 8th, 2010

We are heading into the summer season and British Petroleum’s oil geyser in the Gulf of Mexico is still gushing. Thus, vacationers in the vicinity with liver disease should be aware of potential oil-related risks to their health.

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A Sport Crafted for Liver Health

1 Jun 7th, 2010

Find out the four characteristics of outrigger canoeing that make it a sport with a unique attribute – promoting a healthy liver.

Six Holiday Traditions That Are Kind to Your Liver

Nov 17th, 2009

Many holiday traditions can turn mild liver disease into a more severe illness. By making these six healthful holiday customs your own, liver disease need not put a cramp in your holiday style.

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The Link Between Liver and Heart Health

Feb 9th, 2009

Learn about astherosclerosis (a health condition that causes high blood pressure, heart disease and can even contribute to some liver diseases), as well as the study that undoubtedly demonstrates the interconnectivity between liver and heart health. You’ll also discover seven lifestyle choices that are beneficial for liver and heart disease prevention or managing your health while living with one of these conditions – tips that can help prevent and reduce astherosclerosis.

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Liver Health and Osteoporosis

Jan 21st, 2009

Medical workers have consistently observed a higher percentage of osteoporosis in people with chronic liver disease. By understanding the connection between these two illnesses, anyone can positively influence both liver and bone health by instituting several lifestyle changes.

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Staying Healthy Through the Holidays

Nov 26th, 2008

Despite the havoc this time of year can wreak on the liver, there are four do’s and don’ts that can help keep your liver healthy during this holiday season.

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