Liver Health

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Financial Worries Create More Issues with Liver Disease

Oct 8th, 2008

Worrying about our economy could intensify physical woes for people with liver disease. Until the American dollar rises, Traditional Chinese Medicine may help relieve your worry-related symptoms.

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Can Milk Thistle Help Your Pet?

1 Aug 6th, 2008

While many know of milk thistle’s ability to support their liver, few recognize this herb’s usefulness in their pet’s health.

How to Choose a Liver Doctor

How to Choose a Liver Doctor

3 Jun 13th, 2008

When choosing a physician regarding the health of your liver, you’ll find many doctors possess different levels of training and offer various areas of expertise and medical approaches. As a patient, you will be making a number of important decisions together with your doctor, and you can help ensure a positive experience by matching your own goals and priorities with those of your chosen physician.

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UltraThistle vs. Maximum Milk Thistle

Jan 29th, 2008

People living with chronic liver disease can take charge of their health by choosing the milk thistle that benefits them most. Though Maximum Milk Thistle and UltraThistle are the strongest liver support supplements available, they have slightly different indications.

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The Connection Between Stress Relief and Liver Health

May 29th, 2007

Avoiding stress is a common suggestion for anyone who receives the unfortunate news of a serious health condition, including liver disease. Learn how a basic principle of Traditional Chinese Medicine can help relieve stress and discover easy ways to support the health of your liver in the process.

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How Allergies and Chemical Sensitivities Impact Liver Health

1 Feb 21st, 2007

Allergies and chemical sensitivities can be frustrating conditions to live with and potentially dangerous for those with liver concerns. See how allergens and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) can hamper liver function, and how those susceptible to their symptoms can best support their liver.

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Staying Positive with Liver Disease

Jan 11th, 2007

Coping with a condition deemed incurable has a serious impact on your emotional well-being. Receiving a depressing diagnosis by your physician while already experiencing extreme discomfort, pain and fatigue adds to an already challenging situation. Regardless of the stage of your disease or its outlook, learn why there is always room for optimism and hope.

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Optimum Cholesterol Levels for Liver Health

May 17th, 2006

The liver is intimately involved with the manufacture, use and dysfunction associated with cholesterol. Refresh your familiarity with cholesterol’s components and aim for their desired numeric values, to provide your liver with the best ratios to work with.

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