Things to Avoid

A Happy Liver Will Make Your Holidays Happier Too
Learn six tips that can help your liver and your holiday season abundant with joy and good health.

Lead Exposure Threatens the Liver
In addition to jeopardizing the health of children, lead poisoning can also worsen liver disease. Because this toxic metal has infiltrated the modern lifestyle, awareness of how it impacts the liver, where it is most prevalent and how to reduce its impact is crucial for those with liver concerns.

Liver Disease Bulletin: Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Harms the Liver
A popular rheumatoid arthritis drug has been ordered by the FDA to carry a black boxed warning – specifically for people with liver disease.

How Dry Cleaning Impacts Liver Health
Learn about PERC, or perchloroethylene, the toxic solvent that dry cleaning establishments routinely use to clean clothing – and the negative role it plays in the health of your liver.

Toxicity in Arts and Crafts
Artistic hobbies, such as painting and photography, are great ways to relax and express oneself creatively. However, these activities may use industrial, toxic materials – which could be hazardous to someone with liver disease. Learn about the most common known offenders, as well as important tips to help protect your liver from the toxins in art supplies, so you can still safely reap the benefits of these fun hobbies.

Keeping Food Sweet With Liver Disease
By looking at the facts about artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup and table sugar, those with liver disease can make informed choices about how to best eat their sweets.

Update on Toxins Harming the Liver
While large quantities of environmental toxins used to be implicated in liver damage, new research claims that even small amounts of chemicals are sufficient to cause liver problems.

Sodium Benzoate: Reducing Soda’s Harm to the Liver
To keep soft drinks fresh and prevent harmful bacteria from growing, sodium benzoate has been used in soft drinks for many years. However, discover why this common preservative has been implicated in being a detriment to our health – and find out how you can help minimize any potential toxic and mitochondrial damage from sodium benzoate.

Can Laundry Harm Your Liver?
Learn about five common components of laundry detergents and whether or not they pose any serious health risks. Also, find out three helpful tips to help minimize the potential toxicity associated with detergents.

Weight-Loss Shortcut Can Cause or Worsen Liver Disease
Even though losing weight is the best way to reduce the risk of fatty liver disease, how you shed the pounds is crucial to your liver’s health.

The Liver Disease Guide for Microwaving With Plastic
In our modern society of quick food preparation, the microwave reigns within many households. Food that historically took hours to prepare can now take nearly minutes in a microwave, allowing for a greater range of nutritional consumption for a person on-the-go. However, a great deal of mystery surrounds its safety. Since the device’s entrance into the market, qualms have circulated about the potential harm of microwaving food in plastic containers or wrapping. Read on to discover four tips for microwaving safely with containers or wraps – tips that will help minimize any additional toxin load on your liver.

Help Your Skin Assist Your Liver
Your skin’s absorption of toxic chemicals is not the only way it can make your liver’s job even harder. By clogging the pores, products commonly advertised to moisturize the skin may actually increase the toxic load on your liver.

Chemicals and Indoor Air Pollution – Is Your Liver at Risk?
Do you know about the connection between common household chemicals, indoor air pollution and your liver? In this article, you’ll find out more about the major culprits of indoor pollution, safer alternatives to common household chemicals, better vehicle picks to reduce pollution inside your car and solutions for minimizing pollution’s impact on your liver.

How to Protect Your Liver from Secondhand Smoke
Known to contain hundreds of poisonous chemicals, secondhand cigarette smoke requires the liver to filter out these toxins from the body. Luckily, there are ways you can protect yourself from this hard to avoid source of air pollution.

Meat: Is it Liver Friendly?
Living with chronic liver disease means working to preserve and maintain the health of your liver. Learn how lifestyle adjustments, such as limiting your intake of processed meat, can help reduce the risk of further damaging your liver.

Soda and Your Liver
According to the American Beverage Association, nearly 30 percent of the total beverages consumed in 2005 were carbonated soft drinks, easily making soda America’s most popular drink. Anyone concerned with the health of their liver should read this article to learn why soda should not be their drink of choice.

5 Surprisingly Toxic Items to Your Liver
The liver is responsible for keeping potentially harmful substances that enter our system out of our blood supply. Some of these substances are obvious, while others may be a surprise to even the most health conscious among us. Discover five such items that may be threatening your liver and learn the signs of exposure to them.

Get Off Your Butts: Smoking Cigarettes with Liver Disease
Even after being diagnosed, many people with liver disease remain faithful smokers. Learn exactly how smoking cigarettes affects an already compromised liver.