LiverSupport Health News

Can Kisspeptin Help Treat NAFLD?
Learn more about kisspeptin, a naturally occurring hormone that is newly being studied for the possible treatment of NAFLD.

The Connection Between Menstrual Cycles and Liver Disease
Do you have long or irregular periods? You may want to check your liver health if your menstrual cycles are atypical.

Boost Your Liver’s Health with a Post-Winter Detox
Now is the perfect time to spring clean your liver after winter with a healthy detox! Discover foods to cleanse and repair your liver.

Xanthelasma: When Heart Health Meets Liver Health
Xanthelasma is a condition that can be related to heart health and liver health. Discover the connection!

New Therapy for Primary Biliary Cholangitis Patients
Learn about a new therapy called Obeticholic Acid, that offers primary biliary cholangitis patients up to 80% lower risk of liver transplant or death.

FDA Clears New Technology for Early Liver Disease Diagnosis
FDA gives clearance on new tools to reduce the cost of diagnosing liver disease and improve the ability to obtain the diagnosis earlier.

How Fiber Helps Your Liver
Discover how fiber can benefit liver function, along with its role in fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and detoxification.

NAC’s New Research
Find out about the research supporting NAC’s potential new health benefit.

First FDA-Approved Drug to Treat This Symptom of Rare Liver Disease
Find out about the first drug, Bylvay, that has received multi-country approval to treat pruritus from a rare liver disease.

9 Tasty Summer Treats That Support Liver Health
If you want to enjoy summertime food while still promoting liver health, here are 9 yummy treats to try.

Increased Drinking During Pandemic Potential Cause of Spike in Liver Disease
A spike in the cases of liver disease has newly been revealed as another potential effect of the COVID pandemic.

Top 7 Springtime Veggies & Their Liver Health Benefits
Do you like to eat any of these 7 springtime veggies that have been found to promote good liver health?

A Potential Liver Disease Treatment That Involves Magnesium and Its Protein Transporter
Discover magnesium’s relationship with your liver, as well as its possible role in a new liver disease treatment.

The 5 Best and Worst Foods for Your Liver
Food can either help your liver function, or make it work harder. Find out some of the best and worst foods for your liver.

The Benefit Vitamin B May Have on Liver Disease
Learn more about the research that shows a promising outcome that vitamins B12 and B9 can bring to individuals diagnosed with NASH.

Support Your Liver and Lose the “Quarantine 15”
Your liver’s role in fat metabolism makes its health crucial for reaching weight loss goals – including weight gained during COVID-19. Discover 5 tips to assist your liver in achieving your weight loss goals.

Fast and Accurate Way to Detect Fatty Liver Disease
Find out about a new, portable NMR diagnostic tool that detects fatty liver disease and fibrosis in mice.

FDA-Approved Drug for Cirrhosis Can Also Treat Dementia
A common liver treatment is proving itself an effective tool in the fight against dementia.

The Hidden Link Between Fatty Liver and Type 2 Diabetes
Researchers from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen are establishing what links fat within the liver, diabetes, and healthy amino acid metabolism.