LiverSupport Health News
10 Medications to Be Wary of With Liver Disease
Doctors ought to know that these 10 medications should be used with great caution in those with compromised liver function. Regardless, your awareness of what to be wary of can help prevent mistakes from happening.
Liver Health Summer Safety Bulletin: Saltwater Swimming
If you have chronic liver disease, consider any open wounds as a warning to delay your ocean swim until it is healed.
3 Imperative Rules to Maintain the Health of Your Liver
You can maintain optimal liver health and function by consuming a diet low in sugar and high in anti-inflammatory foods, as well as avoiding toxic chemicals and medications.
Living with Liver Disease: Why Am I So Tired?
Your fatigue is real. Learn more about a handful of biological phenomena that explain why liver disease frequently causes severe exhaustion.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Liver Fibrosis Evaluation Methods
Liver fibrosis tests are necessary for those with chronic liver disease. Find out why your physician may order a combination of liver biopsy and/or non-invasive liver fibrosis testing, as well as the pros and cons of these methods.
The Worst Type of Sugar for Your Liver
This type of sugar can cause a host of health issues, including damage to your liver.
Liver Support Essentials: 5 Ways to Reduce Stress
Stress is not good for your liver! Consider these five stress reduction approaches for your liver’s health.
Is Green Tea Safe for Liver Health?
The liver health benefits of green tea are plentiful. However, moderation is imperative. Discover just how safe green tea is for liver health.
Spring Is the Ideal Time to Clean Your Liver
Find out why your liver often becomes congested during wintertime, and learn five ways to prepare your liver for the energetic spike in spring.
New Study Links Monsanto’s Weedkiller With a Fatty Liver
New evidence connects glyphosphate, an active ingredient in RoundUp, to liver damage. This demonstrates that modern agricultural practices are now a major factor in our society’s increase in chronic liver disease.
Damage to Your Liver With Just ONE Cheeseburger
Learn more about a new study that finds eating even one high-fat meal can injure your liver.
How Your Medicine Cabinet Is Affecting Your Liver Health
There are more than the usual suspects, like over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers, that you should know the facts about when it comes to liver health.
5 Ways to Reduce Liver-Related Gas
People with liver disease are likely to have some digestion issues, often resulting in excessive gas. Nobody welcomes gas in their stomach and intestines, especially when it is expelled as flatulence. Easy for anyone to incorporate, these five suggestions can help a person reduce their quantity of gastrointestinal gas.
What Is Liver Cirrhosis and How Is it Prevented?
Liver disease, regardless of the cause, is considered to take place in four basic stages. Find out how you can prevent liver cirrhosis.
4 Foods That Cleanse Your Liver
Do you want to improve liver health and function? You need to add these four items to your next grocery list.
10 Liver Damage Symptoms That Could Be Trouble
Are you experiencing any of these warning signs of liver damage?
How Will I Know If I Need a Liver Transplant?
Find out the signs of liver failure, as well as the factors that go into determining if someone is a good candidate for a liver transplant.
Foods to Avoid for Liver Health
While we all indulge once in a while, choosing a steady diet of these types of foods may lead to liver damage over time.
Liver Detox Simplified: 3 Step Liver Detox Plan
Discover several things you can do to detoxify your liver and improve its function.