Clinical LiverSupport
Helps Prevent Fat Accumulation in your Liver - Patented Milk Thistle, Curcumin & NAC - 12 Natural Ingredients for Maximum Absorption - 90 Tablets: 30-Day Supply
Clinical LiverSupport: Guarding Your Liver's Health
Crafted by a liver-specialist, Clinical LiverSupport™ emerges as the leader of liver wellness.
Unmatched Liver Protection:
- Unique Formula: A potent blend of 12 top-tier liver-protective supplements.
- Fat Reduction: Targets and minimizes fat accumulation in the liver.*
- Scar Prevention: Proactively prevents the formation of liver scar tissue.*
- Toxin Neutralization: Enhances detoxification, aiding in toxin removal from your body.*
- Optimal Function: Elevates liver health and performance.*
- Cell Regeneration: Protects existing liver cells while producing new liver cells.*
- Inflammation Defense: Reduces inflammation in your liver and throughout your body.*
- Bile Production: Stimulates bile flow, vital for fat digestion, nutrient absorption, and more.*
- Antioxidant Powerhouse: 8 meticulously chosen antioxidants for enhanced liver vitality.*
Powerful Ingredients:
- Milk Thistle: Premium patented form provides enhanced absorption ensuring maximum benefit.
- Mixed Phospholipids: Optimal blend for robust liver support.
- Curcumin C3 Complex®: Standardized turmeric extract for unmatched liver health.
- NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine): Vital in replenishing glutathione levels and safeguarding the liver.
- Vitamin E: Renowned antioxidant; a cornerstone for liver cell health.*
- Blueberry Leaf: Bolsters natural anti-inflammatory actions and promotes glucose regulation.*
- Green Tea: Potent polyphenols protect liver cells and promote overall well-being.
- Benfotiamine: Enhances glucose utilization, crucial for individuals with compromised livers.
- Artichoke: Stimulates liver, bile, and digestive functions, supporting hepatic cell health.*
- Dandelion: A diuretic, promotes liver cell regeneration, improves digestion, and inhibits inflammation.*
- Chicory: Acts as a potent hepatic stimulant, aiding bile flow and promoting metabolism.*
- Beet Leaf: Supports a healthy metabolism and liver, preventing fatty deposits and eliminating toxins.*
Why Clinical LiverSupport?
The liver's significance in our well-being is unparalleled, overseeing over 500 vital functions. From regulating blood sugar to detoxifying the body, its health resonates across every system. Alarmingly, a significant portion of the U.S. populace is unknowingly living with liver issues, often due to unaddressed fat accumulation. However, with early intervention and support, most liver challenges can be alleviated.
Clinical LiverSupport stands as a beacon of hope, meticulously designed to nourish, fortify, and rejuvenate your liver. Whether you've just triumphed over a liver ailment or wish to bolster your liver's resilience, it's time to invest in your liver's well-being.
Trademark acknowledgements: Curcumin C3 Complex® by Sabinsa Corporation, Phospholipon® by Phospholipid GmbH, LLC.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Product seem to be helping with My fatty liver has shown improvement whilst taking clinical liver and ultra thistle
I can tell a difference in my energy levels and skin, I have been using this product for years and love it!
It is working very well for me. My liver enzymes have come down significantly.
Seems to be healing the liver, hard to tell until another CT scan.
So far so good
This is definitely working! Thank you.
Very good product but the price a bit too high
It must be working my liver always test great when my Dr takes a blood draw ????
Been taking this product along with Ultra Milk Thistle. Great benefits, I feel good always. (I am 70 and feel like I am 45) Well worth any price for optimal health! Thank you Clinical Liver Support. Tyrone J Amaral (Bermuda)
Best non prescription liver aid out there.
Thank you - I like the product Clinical Liver Support and the way notice is given before each shipment. Your customers DO receive priority service. Thank you.
Natural medicine. worked very well for me.
Seven months ago I was diagnosed with auto-immune hepatitis. I was put on a steroids. Four months ago I started taking this liver support product. Within a month my liver blood panel was all normal. This is the 4th month of normal. My doctor is taking me off the steroid. I am still on a medication but it isn't a steroid.
Great , This is A Great Pill to take away pain in body IT IS THE BEST
Liver restoration
Gets & keeps my husband's liver enzymes within normal range, despite chemo & cancer!
Best live cleanse product I've ever used
I've used this brand for a number of years and consider it the best one on the market. Highly recommend it for liver health.
Worked for me
Helped lower my ast/alt. When I got it back within normal range I stopped taking. ast/alt slowly went back up. Now using daily as a lifestyle change. Proof is in the numbers!
would buy again
AST & ALT Levels From High right back to Normal in 2 months!
Over the summer between weddings and birthday parties, my liver levels went up as you can see in the picture and after 2 months of taking this daily as suggested my liver levels went right back to normal. I'm a lifetime customer.
Five Stars
I will order it again!
Five Stars
VERY high quality liver support.
Buy Liv.52,, that truly lowers enzymes
Buy Liv.52 ,, that truly lowers enzymes and triglycerides on the test.
I have been using this product for 3 years since I had cancer removed from from liver. I have first stage cirrhosis of the liver. My research showed this product had majority of what is supposed to help heal the liver. Not sure if this supplement is the cause of my stable MRI results or maybe combo of exercise, eating healthier with this supplement. But something is working so I will continue to take these everyday!!
Five Stars
good product and helped me
Three Stars
I like the ingredients.
Definitely worth the $$ and is of a good value. You get what you pay for.
This supplement was taken to improve my liver enzymes as well as to reduce any fatty liver and pancreatic infiltrates, and even after one month, my lab work seriously improved, including my A1C (which was unexpected).
Had my enzyme levels tested and actually increased after using...
Had my enzyme levels tested and actually increased after using this "best ever" product for one month with zero changes to my diet at all. Would not buy it again. Your basic thistle at a cvs will do the exact same thing and probably save you 25 dollars.
Reply from Natural Wellness
We're very sorry to hear that Clinical LiverSupport didn't meet your expectations, however we'd like to clarify any misunderstanding regarding what this product does. We do not claim that Clinical LiverSupport will have any effect on your enzyme levels. Plus, fluctuation of enzyme levels is actually fairly normal. Some people may experience a reduction in enzyme levels while taking the product, and others may not. But that is not an accurate indication of how well the product is working. The purpose of Clinical LiverSupport is to provide comprehensive liver health and function, by doing the following:
- Reduce fat accumulation in your liver
- Helps prevent the formation of scar tissue in your liver
- Improve the neutralization and removal of toxins from your body
- Optimize your liver's health and function as best as possible
- Protects and produces new liver cells
- Reduces inflammation in your liver and throughout your body by interfering with various stages of the inflammation process
- Improve your liver function by promoting bile production and flow to help you better break down fats, absorb vital nutrients from foods, regulate blood sugar and glucose levels, and remove unwanted toxins and materials from your body
Rated # 1 on the market for liver damage and repair. AMAZING HANGOVER PREVENTION AND CURE!
Five Stars
sent as a gift to a sister and she loved it!!!
Back to normal enzymes!
I had elevated liver enzymes and after using up one bottle of this, I had them tested again and they were back to normal? I ordered another bottle to take for maintenance but quit due to the high cost. If my liver enzymes ever go up again, I will reorder.
It works!
An excellent product. Lowered my liver levels dramatically in one month. Will definitely purchase again.
[Clinical LiverSupport] is an outstanding product, but my last physical I had some fatty tissue surrounding my liver. My GI Tract doctor suggested this vitamin to me because he said it had done wonders for people who consumed alcohol and, since I am a NON-DRINKER, he still suggested I try it. Therefore; after only one month, I had blood work done to check my liver count and.... guess what???? IT WAS PERFECT ..... right between the high and low numbers which I think are 15-35 and, my count is 27 !!!!! Wow... does this vitamin supplement ever work. My Dr. was blown away that it acted in such a short period of using it. I take three a day and, I do not even drink alhohol! Think about what it would do for those of you who enjoys to drink???? It could save your life!
I have Hepatitis C, genotype 6. Since using Clinical Liver Support, my AST and ALT levels have actually improved, even though I am not getting medical treatment for my condition.
The abnormal liver enzyme tests I was having are now normal.
My Dr was familiar only with milk thistle. Of course, he urges me to get a liver biopsy to see where things are at so far as fatty liver and my HepC, genotype 6. I am not taking any other medication for my chronic condition and cannot afford the $1000 per day pill that is on the market touted as a "cure." My blood tests did show an improvement in either my high AST or ALT levels (don't have the results handy) and I am holding my own in all other areas of liver function...either staying the same or very slight increase. I attribute this at least in part to the product I take, Clinical Liver Support.
Clinical LiverSupport works great for my gallbladder pain
I initially found this product and started taking it while I was in the middle of a 3 week attack period around 6 months ago. Since then I can say I haven't had an attack and I am loving it! [My doctor] wanted to remove my Gallbladder right away without any hesitation and I didn't really want to part with it. I went back a week and a half later for a follow-up and I had no more pain. He kind of shrugged his shoulders and said if it works then keep doing it.
Five Stars
great product, is helping
This is all around a great LIVER VITAMIN
This is all around a great LIVER VITAMIN, especially those w/hep c...this is my own personal opinion...I also take Meso silver & milk thistle.
I gave CLINICAL LIVER SUPPORT a 4-star on very timely product delivery, quality of packaging and the quality of the product itself. Since I've just started using the pills, I haven't had any "adverse side effects" which would always be a concern for a 1st-time product. I seem to feel better in a "lighter sort of way". Perhaps, this is a cleansing effect? My guess, I'll have to wait and see how my next Doctor's visit goes if he orders another blood test to see what's happening inside. If this product shows clinical improvements, then my rating will be 5-stars...I'm hopeful.
My biopsy was better from 3rd stages to one stage inflammation.
Fatty Liver
Doctor told me to take. Not sure yet if they helped.
Liver Enzymes Returning to Normal Range
It seems to be working. I had my liver enzymes checked again recently and they were closer to normal levels after taking this product. The itching I sometimes experience from liver toxins have also subsided. I am a Celiac patient; so, I have problems with the bile salts in my blood. I have had no side effects from this product.
But it's not making me feel crappy either.
Not sure what this is doing for me. Haven't noticed any difference in anything. But it's not making me feel crappy either.
I'm a retired nurse and very much appreciate natural alternatives for health concerns. I thought the extra ingredients in this product made it an excellent choice for anyone with liver problems.
Take three tablets once per day 30 minutes prior to eating or as directed by your medical professional. Each bottle includes 90 tablets - a one-month supply.
Not recommend for those with bile duct obstructions or gallstones due to the artichoke contained in this product.
Please consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a medical condition, are currently taking prescription drugs, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Milk thistle (silymarin) may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, therefore backup birth control methods should be used while taking any products containing milk thistle.
About Us
Natural Wellness® supplements are recommended by healthcare professionals and are sold around the world. When developing, formulating and producing supplements, Natural Wellness® focuses on science, quality, and proven performance. Ingredients used are of the highest quality, and all supplements are manufactured in the USA under strict current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations ensuring all safety and quality standards are met.
100% Guaranteed
All products are guaranteed to give you 100% satisfaction in every way. If you are not completely satisfied with a product you purchased for any reason, return it to Natural Wellness® within 90 days of purchase, and you will be issued a complete refund of the purchase price (less shipping and handling).
For any nutritional product you try for the first time, in addition to refunding you the purchase price, you will be refunded your shipping and handling, AND Natural Wellness® will even pay for the return shipping. Natural Wellness® truly takes the risk out of trying something new.
This is just one component of Natural Wellness' Super 7 Satisfaction Guarantee - which provides you with a risk-free, 100% money-back guarantee - along with the finest quality, service and security available online today.
Reply from Natural Wellness
We'd like to clarify any misunderstanding regarding what Clinical LiverSupport does. We do not claim that Clinical LiverSupport will have any effect on your enzyme levels. Plus, fluctuation of enzyme levels is actually fairly normal. Some people may experience a reduction in enzyme levels while taking the product, and others may not, however that is not an accurate indication of how well the product is working. The purpose of Clinical LiverSupport is to provide comprehensive liver health and function, by doing the following:
LiverCare (formerly known as Liv.52) primarily assists the liver in healthy detoxification, which in turn assists in overall liver health and function. Again, while some people may see a reduction in enzyme levels due to the elimination of toxins, not everyone will experience this as a direct result of taking the product.