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For Your Liver’s Sake: The Best Times to Drink Water


There are several reasons why drinking water benefits the liver – and these four times of the day are the best to reap those benefits.

At one point or another, most of us have been chided to drink more water. Considering that our body is more than 50 percent water, consumption of this liquid is a necessity. There are several reasons why someone with chronic liver disease benefits from drinking water, but there may be times during the day that are better than others for hydrating.

Everyone’s water intake needs are different; however, being properly hydrated with water assists liver health and function in several ways. Water:

  • aids in digestion – the body’s means for extracting nutrients from food, digestion can be hampered with chronic liver disease. Keeping the digestive system working smoothly reduces extra work for the liver.
  • helps maintain a healthy weight – an important factor to reduce the risk of developing or worsening fatty liver disease.
  • assists in the removal of waste – a benefit that prevents toxins from accumulating and burdening the liver. An injured liver is more vulnerable to a backup of toxins.
  • thins the blood – it is largely responsible for the fluid content of blood. Thus, proper hydration will make the blood thinner, rendering it easier for the liver to filter.

Besides drinking plenty of water, several experts suggest there are certain times of the day that are ideal for hydrating. These include:

  1. Upon waking up – Drinking a glass of water after waking up is a great way to activate the internal organs: liver included. Consuming water first thing in the morning helps flush circulating toxins out prior to the first meal of the day. Unfortunately, many people reach for a cup of coffee in the morning before a glass of water. Because coffee is a diuretic, it encourages fluid loss, which is dehydrating and increases blood viscosity. Thicker blood provides a greater toxin-filtering challenge to the liver than thinner blood.
  2. Before a meal – Drinking water thirty minutes before each meal helps with satiety, reducing the chances of overeating. Because overeating can contribute to obesity and fatty liver disease, water consumption prior to eating can help keep the liver lean. In addition, water before a meal helps prepare the stomach for food by stimulating digestive enzymes and bile production.
  3. Prior to and following physical activity – As we all know, staying physically fit is key for wellness, including optimal liver health. Drinking water before and after physical activity protects against dehydration. Especially for someone with a fibrotic liver, dehydration means thicker blood that makes filtration by the liver that much more challenging. Drinking water before and after a workout prevents dehydration, therefore protecting the liver from processing a backlog of toxins.
  4. Before bed – Experts don’t necessarily agree on how soon before bed, but most concur that drinking a glass before bed provides the body with water needed to aid in detoxification during sleep. Although some advocates suggest a glass right before bed, others advise having your last drink of water two hours prior to bed if going to the restroom at night is an issue.

Between helping with detoxification, digestion, weight management and blood viscosity, water is clearly the beverage of choice for those with chronic liver disease. By drinking a glass when you wake up, before a meal, before and after physical activity and prior to going to sleep, your water consumption timing will provide your liver with optimal hydration., How Much of Your Body is Water?, Anne Marie Helmenstine, PhD, Retrieved August 1, 2014,, 2014., Are There Benefits to Drinking Water Before Bedtime?, Retrieved July 27, 2014, Internet Brands, Inc., 2014., Drinking Water at the Right Time, Kelsey, Retrieved July 27, 2014, HealthXchange, 2014., How Much Water Does Your Liver Need?, Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., Retrieved August 1, 2014, Natural Wellness, 2014.

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About the Author

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)®

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM is a long time advocate of integrating perspectives on health. With a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester and a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches Institute, Nicole has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. She has gathered acupuncture licenses in the states of California and New York, is a certified specialist with the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, has earned diplomat status with the National Commission of Chinese and Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology and is a member of the Society for Integrative Oncology. In addition to her acupuncture practice that focuses on stress and pain relief, digestion, immunity and oncology, Nicole contributes to the integration of healthcare by writing articles for professional massage therapists and people living with liver disease.

5 thoughts on “For Your Liver’s Sake: The Best Times to Drink Water”

  1. I talked to one gastroenterologist and one hepatolgist about fluid intake and they said drinking water is life threatening to me. You are probably referring to a healthy liver in this article. You need to be clear about this because your advise could be deleterious to those whose livers are cirrhotic due HCV infection (stage 4 fibosis). I have only drunk water minimally for the last five months and have been on double diuretic therapy (Bumetanide and Spironolactone) for my ascites (a common side effect of cirrhosis) during that time. I have gone from 231 pounds to 174 pounds in that time and feel much better. My gastroenterologist told me that people who told me to drink plenty of water probably have a “life insurance policy out with my name on it”. Get my point. Thank God I don’t read things like this and trust people like you who don’t have medical degrees. You really should include a disclaimer when you give medical advice. Drinking water would have increased my the amount of my ascitic fluid in my peritoneal spaces and legs(edema) which may have thrown me into a serous decompensated state and possibly a liver transplant. I recently had testing, abdominal ultrasound, MRI and my tests are normal now without presence of ascite and not a candidate for a liver transplant or at cancer risk. I thank God I never read your article and believed what it said.

    1. C’mon now, don’t be silly! Clearly it is implicit that this advice is for a generally healthy person. Sorry to hear about your situation but if you have a known liver condition that requires special circumstances, then of course you follow the advice given by your medical professional and you don’t go against that with information off the internet. That’s just common sense. Of course, common sense is anything but common these days but nature organically eliminates such people over time by way of Darwinism / evolution (stupid people who do stupid things should expect a shorter lifespan)

  2. Nicole’s article is well-written, but she did unintentionally forget to include the closing disclaimer from her December 30, 2009 article: “How Much Water Does Your Liver Need?” that I excerpt for readers’ reference here: “Unless dealing with hyponatremia, those with liver concerns have an incentive to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Besides water’s long list of healthful properties, staying well-hydrated also helps the liver with detoxification. By using your urine’s color as your guide, you can make sure to consume enough water and avoid the additional burden of dehydration.” My HCV is not as pronounced as Peter’s stage 4, but I have been on Maximum Milk Thistle, NAC, Schizandra, and Vitamin C for the past 2 years and have stabilized my viral load and liver function. A big part of that has been learning to drink both enough water and at the right times to allow my supplements to do their job properly and flush the toxins out of my liver and kidneys. The only thing I would add is that adding pure unsweetened cranberry juice or pure unsweetened pomegranate juice to your glass of water at least once a day exponentially increases the benefits and effectiveness of your water consumption.

  3. I would hope that anyone who reads information related to health would discuss it with their physian first and see, given their own health condition, if the information is prudent for them! Given that water is most often life-supportive, this article is probably a healthy guide for 98% of the public. That is why our our health and support of it, ultimately falls on the shoulders of the individual!

    1. Water is life to any organ! Whoever said it wasn’t is a quack! And he or she could never give me advice on health.water brings life to everything plants will die without water. Use wisdom and common sense

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