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16 Common and Not-So-Common Signs of Liver Problems
Signs of liver disease can be vague. Do you suffer from any of these signs of a bad liver?
A staggering number of people have some form of liver damage – many of whom have no idea they are affected!
Unfortunately, liver disease that is not diagnosed and addressed can have serious – or even fatal consequences.
There are rarely early symptoms of liver disease. It doesn’t exhibit obvious symptoms until the illness has progressed to a serious stage.
Thus, being alerted to these 16 signs of liver damage can prompt a physician screening and guide you towards taking better care of this precious organ.
Liver Cell Damage
Experts believe that an estimated 10 to 30 percent of Americans have one of over 100 types of liver disease. A majority of these individuals have yet to realize their liver is in danger, because they may not be knowledgeable about the signs of liver problems.
After incurring damage to its cells, the liver has a remarkable ability to regenerate new cells. This recovery only happens when normal cell injuries occur. Pathology in the liver typically causes the rate of liver cell damage to outpace the rate of liver cell regeneration.
Over time, unrepaired liver cell damage can lead to irreversible scarring (cirrhosis of the liver), which primes the organ for liver cancer or liver failure.
On the other hand, increasing liver disease awareness – including cognizance of a vague collection of signs and symptoms of a bad liver – will improve liver disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
What Causes Liver Disease?
Liver disease can be genetic or be caused by a variety of other factors that damages the liver, such as:
- A virus like Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C
- Alcohol use
- Fatty liver
- Toxin exposure
- Blockage of the liver’s bile ducts
6 Common Signs of Liver Damage
The six most common signs of liver disease are seemingly vague, but include:
- Strange Colored Elimination – Pale, bloody or tar-colored stool and/or dark colored urine.
- Fatigue and General Malaise
- Nausea and Low Appetite
- Liver Area Pain (upper right hand side of the abdomen) – likely caused by inflammation in the liver.
- Fluid Retention and Swelling of the Abdomen and/or Leg and Ankle Swelling – This is due to ascites, which occurs as a result of poor kidney function in cirrhosis (advanced liver disease). A decline in kidney function leads to the retention of sodium and water.
- Yellowish Color to the Skin and Eyes (jaundice) – This is caused by a damaged liver being unable to process bilirubin, the waste product that occurs when old red blood cells are broken down.
10 Not-So-Common Signs of Liver Problems
These 10 not-so-common signs of liver issues are not early signs of liver damage. They typically develop once liver disease has progressed:
- Foul Breath and/or Body Smell
- Developing New Allergies
- Itchy Skin – This may be caused by a chemical in bile that accumulates in the bloodstream when the liver is damaged.
- Developing Spider Angiomas – Small, spider-like capillaries that are visible just underneath the surface of the skin.
- Gynecomastia – Enlarged male breasts. A damaged liver may fail to regulate the production and breakdown of hormones.
- Shrunken Testicles or Erectile Dysfunction – A damaged liver may fail to regulate the production and breakdown of hormones.
- Dark Circles Under the Eyes and/or Blemishes on the Skin
- Confusion or Short-Term Memory Loss – As toxins accumulate in the brain because the liver can no longer effectively eliminate them, brain activity is hampered.
- Vomiting Blood – Scarring of the liver prevents proper blood flow through the organ, increasing the likelihood of pressure building up in the stomach and esophageal veins. If these veins burst, it can lead to vomiting up blood. This is a medical emergency!
- Bruising Easily – Liver damage can prevent production of the proteins required for blood clotting, which causes an increased tendency to bruise or bleed.
The earlier liver disease is diagnosed, the easier it is to reverse it, cure it, or prevent its progression.
Realizing that your cluster of common or not-so-common symptoms of liver issues could foretell of liver disease will help people prioritize their liver’s health – and get screened for liver disease to stop a liver-related emergency from ever coming to fruition.
http://www.healthy-holistic-living.com/knowing-symptoms-of-liver-disease-save-life.html, Knowing the Symptoms of Liver Disease Could Save Your Life, Retrieved May 24, 2015, Healthy-Holisitic-Living.com, 2015.
http://www.liverfoundation.org/education/liverlowdown/ll1013/bigpicture/, Liver Disease: The Big Picture, Retrieved May 24, 2015, American Liver Foundation, 2015.
http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/liver-problems/basics/symptoms/con-20025300, Liver Disease, Retrieved May 24, 2015, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2015.
http://www.news-medical.net/health/Liver-disease-symptoms.aspx,Liver Disease Symptoms, Sally Robertson, MSc, Retrieved May 24, 2015, News-Medical-net, 2015.
I have had Hep. C. for 46 years, I am now 72 and very good health, I got Hep. C from massive bloodtransfusions after an ectopic pregnancy, they saved my life but 6 weeks after I had raging hepatitis,no A no B. as they called it then. I had a wonderful doctor how laid down the law: no alcohol, no fried foods, don’t eat anything with more than 4 or five normal ingredients, don’t eat it if there is an ingredient you cannot pronounce and stay away from packaged foods of any shape or form. It was not till 2002 that it was discovered that I had chronic Hep. C. geno type 1, from that time on I have had check ups every 3 month. I had a viral load of 1600,000 which is not too bad. I had ana liver biopcy that showed stage 1 fibriosis. There where times I was not feeling too well, had thyroid problems, lychen planus on legs and arms, autoimune scaring on scalp foggy thinking, you name it, I have had it all. My doctor advised me against treatment because in his book the maybe cure was far worse than my disease. Though the years my viral load became less and less and yesterday my doctor told me that it had completely disappeared from my RNA and that I did not have even any antibodies. Just in case he told me thatnI should comemback in a year’s time and that should keep doing whatever I am doing because it works. We are over the moon. I there anybody out there with the same experience? Please share
Your story is amazing. My father has PVT and it seems is affecting his liver. He was told he had cirrhosis which I doubt giving that his LFTs are normal (almost the same as mine). I suggested he take Milk Thistle, SAM-e, Glutathione and fish oil, but since his doctor said no I could not convince him to do it.
For, my doc said no, but I took the herbs and supplements anyway, my doc knew it and still knows it and I am a model case to the docs at Yale. I come in and sometimes he brings other docs in. I was left with cirrhosis from it as well. There’s many case studies and some MD’s say that they’re good to take. Maybe show him those. I also juice twice a day, the Gerson therapy recipe. Good luck.
do you still have lychen planus. is there a cure. I have it also. Please share
Hello there, I’ve had Hep C, now for 35 years. I too have some of the same problems you state that you
have except foggy thinking. I’m so happy for you has become less and less. I’m only 60 now and already have chirossis but its in stage 1-2, thus Medicaid won’t cover any treatments until stage 3, which I’m assuming, is being almost dead. I have almost all of the symptoms stated above except vomiting of blood, so far. My question for you is, How did you do it? I’m so happy for you, take care and God bless you.
Zinc is excellent for the foggy thinking.
Have you taken Harvoni yet? I had hep c for 34 years & three months ago finished a 12 week treatment & am now considered cured!
How was your treatment? Did you have many side effects?
Howell I took one pill daily for 12 weeks w no side effects. I was already in stage 4 fibrosis w 15% cirrhosis & I believe it’s because of the cirrhosis that I was eligible for the drug. My viral load a year ago was 780,000 and from what I understand I may not have been “sick enough” to qualify for Harvoni! It’s extremely expensive but I have decent insurance & my income (retired) isn’t very high so I also qualified for assistance. For many years I went to a complimentary dr & dud monthly IV’s of vitamins which I believe kept it under control until this miracle drug came along.
Dianne Congrats on being cured I too am cured & had HepC for about as long as you I was Grade2 Stage 4(severe) with Fibrosis. I did the old combox2 but relapsed both times than did Sovaldi & Pegintron & in 4 wks was UD than SVR that was a year ago & I am still SVR. Take care Coreen
Hi Coreen….fancy meeting you here…I am in my second week of Harvoni…Congrats…..xoxoox
(((Cyn))) Hello there my dear friend good to see ya posting but it’s fantastic to know you are on Harvoni I have heard nothing but good news from those that have taken it & they have all hit SVR which I know you will too!! Take care luv Coreen
Ahhh, Queen wonderful to hear from you….I just finished a response to you and Pickles….Yes, Harvoni seems very easy….well, so far…I was reluctant to try it considering my track record . But , here I am…!!! I will keep you posted… Love you,…Cyn
Ugh, you’re so lucky. Did the interferon, riba jig. Worked, but tough. Take care of ur liver, never do anything to compromise it! Best of luck and congrats.
Medicaid will now cover treatment for the one pill a day regime if u have stage 2! Nope this helps.,
Well I am lucky, we are living in Spain and our health care is excellent, I could not get any coverage in the US so we moved back to Spain. My receipe has been basicly, Milkthistle, curcuma mixed coconut oil and a few grinds of black pepper, 3 half tsp a day before meals. I do not use sugar, ever, only stevia, I do not eat grains, I never drink soft drinks, I only eat fish, meat, poultry, eggs and legumes, nuts and seeds and seasonal veggies and fruits, organic butter and cheese and extra virgin olive oil. It may look boring but it really is not, there is a bounty out there. Today we had gazpacho, homemade, turkey cutlets with lots of garlic, parsley, lemon juice and seasalt I buy locally, roasted veggies ( no potatoes) and one piece of fruit for desert.
Just keep it as simple as you can and be kind to your liver, it will be kind to you.
Thank you Debbie, God bless you too!!!
I to was diagnose with hep c and fatty liver started the clinicaL LIVER SUPPORT and it took a year to get approved for harvoni after a five month treatment of harvoni ive have been clear for two years and also i dont have fatty liver anymore which i attribute to the CLINICAL LIVER SUPPORT told my sister who had fatty liver to start clinical liver support and she has been doing it for four months and no longer feels the pain her liver was doing.. so its working for her to. my doctors were surprised about that supplement but it worked for me i no longer had it after a year thank you .