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Outlawed Diet Drug Might Cure Fatty Liver

Juicing Marijuana – A Blessing to Liver Health


Forget about smoking it – juicing marijuana might be the best way to prevent and heal chronic liver disease!

Many Americans are under the impression that marijuana serves one purpose – to get people high. Often associated with stoners having the giggles and then the munchies, smoking marijuana has recently been decriminalized in several U.S. states.

Whether or not it is legal for people to ‘get stoned,’ evidence that marijuana contains substantial medicinal benefits is growing by leaps and bounds. Smoking the plant’s bud is the traditional mode of marijuana consumption; however, there is a new movement condoning juicing marijuana buds and leaves for a variety of health benefits. Upon further evaluation, it appears that (if it were legal) drinking marijuana juice is an ideal habit for combating chronic liver disease.

Juicing Fruits and Vegetables

More than a passing health fad, making juice with fresh fruit and vegetables provides your body with a smorgasbord of easily absorbable, health-promoting, disease-hampering nutrients. Making your own fresh juice requires either a juicer or a blender to extract the liquid from your preferably organic produce. Loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants, the following are ideal candidates for a liver-friendly cup of fresh juice:

  • Spinach and kale
  • Carrots and celery
  • Apples and pears
  • Cucumbers and cabbage
  • Citrus – lemon, lime or orange
  • Cranberries and beets
  • Ginger and turmeric root
  • Chard and collards
  • Garlic (Read why “Garlic Is Good for the Liver.”)

Active Ingredients in Medical Marijuana

Doctors, researchers, advocates and patients have discovered that marijuana harbors a variety of medical uses; as such, medical marijuana is currently available by prescription in nearly half of U.S. states. Known botanically as Cannabis, marijuana is an extremely complex substance, containing two primary active ingredients:

  1. Cannabidiol (CBD) – CBD does not affect the mind or behavior, but is useful in reducing pain and inflammation, controlling epileptic seizures and possibly even treating mental illness and addictions.
  2. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – THC increases appetite and reduces nausea. THC may also decrease pain, inflammation and muscle control problems.

In August 2013, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta wrote an editorial where he detailed the reasons he believes marijuana should not be listed as a Schedule I drug: “It doesn’t have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications.”

Backed by plenty of research, medical marijuana prescriptions are frequently administered to relieve the following:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Low appetite
  • Chronic pain
  • Glaucoma
  • Seizure disorders

Juicing Cannabis

While smoking marijuana is the traditional method of consumption, juicing Cannabis to extract its beneficial properties might be better. In its raw form, marijuana leaves and buds contain an abundance of CBD. More specifically, CBD has been shown to be:

  • Not psychoactive (it will not get people high)
  • An antioxidant
  • An anti-inflammatory
  • A cancer preventative

The properties of cannabidiol make it ideal for preventing and/or reversing a long list of chronic illnesses – including liver disease. Unlike heated forms of Cannabis (smoked, vaporized or in baked goods), raw Cannabis contains both the terpenes (the aromatic compounds of the plant) and the cannabinoids in the ideal portion and ratio.

Dr. William Courtney, a California physician, researcher and leading expert in raw dietary Cannabis is a staunch supporter of juicing Cannabis for its health benefits. According to Courtney, “It’s clear that this plant is incredibly important for cell health, which at its best prevents disease.” Courtney’s sentiment is reminiscent of Hippocrates’ infamous quote: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” when he states “You only need it (marijuana) as medicine when you have forgotten it is food.”

The biggest distinction that juicing has over heated forms of Cannabis is that it doesn’t get you high. This is useful for anyone juicing Cannabis – but especially for cancer patients who have been sick for many years and have developed a tolerance to THC (the chemical that causes the psychological effects of marijuana). In addition, not getting high makes it easier to ingest higher doses of Cannabis; therefore absorbing more CBD.

Cannabis for Liver Disease

Although the movement for medical marijuana is gaining momentum, there is not yet a large body of research showing that juicing Cannabis helps those with chronic liver disease. Nonetheless, a solid rationale exists. Those with liver disease are repeatedly at risk of inflammation causing liver injury, a cycle that can lead to permanent liver damage if uninterrupted. Several studies have demonstrated the value of CBD to those with compromised liver function:

  1. As published in a 2011 edition of the journal Cell Death & Disease, researchers found that CBD selectively induces death of activated hepatic stellate cells (cells responsible for liver scarring). This discovery shows that Cannabis is a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of liver fibrosis.
  2. As published in a 2008 edition of Journal of Neuroendocrinology, researchers found that cannabinoid receptor antagonists (such as Cannabis) can resolve fat accumulation in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and treat patients with cirrhosis because they slow the progression of liver fibrosis.
  3. As published in a 2011 edition of the British Journal of Pharmacology, researchers found CBD acts on the liver after finding that it helped restore liver function in animals with fulminant liver failure.

CBD’s value to those with chronic liver disease comes as no surprise given its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Juicing Tips for Real Life

Juicing Cannabis sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, it may currently be illegal and/or hard to obtain the raw ingredients. Still, the following tips can help you get the most of your marijuana juice if a safe opportunity arises:

  • Fresh – As when juicing any fruit or vegetable, the fresher the better. Marijuana that has been dried and prepped for smoking is not suitable for juicing.
  • Quantity – Courtney advises patients to juice 15 leaves and 2 large raw buds per day. (Raw buds are flowers harvested when the THC glands are clear rather than amber.)
  • Bitter – Raw Cannabis is very bitter. Experts advise mixing the Cannabis with other fruits or vegetables to reduce the bitterness. One part Cannabis juice to 10 parts other fruit/vegetable juice is advised.

Alternative to Juicing Organic Produce

Fresh juice is a highly effective way to deliver a wide range of valuable nutrients right into your bloodstream. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to an abundance of organic produce – nor do they always have the time to juice.

Raw Cannabis is not likely to land in the produce section of your local supermarket anytime soon, but marijuana juice will eventually surface. Just as we differentiate between drinking wine and eating raw grapes, society will learn to distinguish between smoking pot and juicing raw Cannabis. With its potential to prevent, reverse or at least minimize many types of chronic diseases (including liver disease), authorities will have a hard time keeping Cannabis juice away from those who could benefit., Juices Good for Liver and Kidneys, Jessica Lewis, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Demand Media, 2015., It’s 2015: Is Weed Legal in Your State?, Chris Boyette and Jacque Wilson, Retrieved July 19, 2015, CNN, 2015., What is Medical Marijuana?, Retrieved July 19, 2015, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2015., Is juicing raw marijuana the next green drink?, Julie Revelant, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Fox News Network, LLC, 2015., 5 Reasons to Juice Your Cannabis, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Leaf Science, 2015., Juicing Cannabis: The Potential Health Benefits of Treating Cannabis Like a Vegetable, Zach Reichard, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Medical Jane, 2015., 23 Legal Medical Marijuana States and DC, Retrieved July 19, 2015,, 2015., Learn about the amazing health benefits of juicing raw cannabis (marijuana) leaves, Ethan A. Huff, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Natural News Network, 2015., Cannabidiol improves brain and liver function in a fulminant hepatic failure-induced model of hepatic encephalopathy in mice, Y Avraham, et al, Retrieved July 19, 2015, British Journal of Pharmacology, April 2011., The endocannabinoid system and liver diseases, Caraceni P, et al, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Journal of Neuroendocrinology, May 2008., Cannabidiol causes activated hepatic stellate cell death through a mechanism of endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis, Lim MP, et al, Retrieved July 19, 2015, Cell Death & Disease, June 2011.

31 Comment(s)
About the Author

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)®

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM is a long time advocate of integrating perspectives on health. With a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester and a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches Institute, Nicole has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. She has gathered acupuncture licenses in the states of California and New York, is a certified specialist with the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, has earned diplomat status with the National Commission of Chinese and Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology and is a member of the Society for Integrative Oncology. In addition to her acupuncture practice that focuses on stress and pain relief, digestion, immunity and oncology, Nicole contributes to the integration of healthcare by writing articles for professional massage therapists and people living with liver disease.

31 thoughts on “Juicing Marijuana – A Blessing to Liver Health”

  1. so do you recommend sativa or indica and what strains?(kush,ak-47,etc)and how does the mere act of juicing destroy thc?

    1. Indica works far better for internal and constant pain, Juicing doesn’t apply heat thus not activating thc psychoactive properties preventing you from getting high. I believe its 134 degrees before thc is activated. it may be 10 degrees less its been a while since i’ve actually had a chart on my hands.

    2. Because juicing marijuana is never heated or baked so THC is not activated. Juicing raw weed is the correct way I believe…plucked right off the plant.

  2. So to what liver diseases is this article referring? NASH, Heps…? All of them, one of them, some of them? Please quote studies or provide links to facts. Who would start “juicing” weed without any facts!?

    1. If you read page 3 it specifically addresses NASH (fatty liver) and broadly states info about liver damage/fibrosis which can be caused by many different liver diseases, most importantly Hep B & Hep C. There are also quotes of studies. Remember that until the classification of marijuana is changed there is a major hampering in the studies.

    2. Fibrosis, hepatitis c, cirrosis, fatty liver disease,…any cause that inflames the liver. Juicing raw weed not the dried out smokable “pot”. Marijuana can truly hep hundreds of thousands of sick people! I’m not taking about people who just like pot…I’M TALKING ABOUT HELPING TRULY SICK PEOPLE w/cancer & children & seizures & way to many people on pharmaceuticals WHO CAN JUST USE POT INSTEAD…

      1. so I have hep c and I have cirossis what can I buy to do this I have been thru two troial treatments and I still show a viral load and low platelets im tired of doctors

  3. I’ve been using marijuana edibles to sleep during dialysis (10 hrs a night). It helps me sleep, but my blood pressure went up to 200 so I stopped.

    1. I’m not really hip on the idea of edibles. I don’t feel we’ve had enough time evolving this process…

  4. There is some slight misinformation here…..with raw cannabis, the canabinoids are in their acidic states called CBDa and’s not CBD. Plus THC in the raw form, you correctly stated that it can’t get you high, but you neglected to talk about the amazing anti inflammatory properties of THCa….more potent than CBD in some cases.

    1. Literally pic raw bud not the dried out smokable bud… & put through a juicer I think…with other fruits or veggies. KEYWORD=RAW BUD

  5. I’m all for using pot for it’s heath benefits. What I tire of hearing is this caveat about getting stoned, which, for a person with anxiety and a stressful life, is the component of the drug (the high) that I bank on to mitigate my particular problem. Let’s all get on the same page and have this wonderful plant legalized, without caveats.

  6. Traditionally Cannabis is known for it’s psychoactive THC content while Hemp is known for industrial use w/ it’s fiber content, and now medical use w/ low THC high CBD ratios. Breeders & growing are producing more low THC high CBD products because they are legal in usa. Of course a broad-spectrum high THC/CBD content herb taken as an oral active (no smoking, brownies, candies, etc) would be the overall most beneficial for both body & mind. For this reason, it is best to bake the Marijuana in a lipid-rich food so the Cannabinoids can bind and become active. Juicing, although seemingly beneficial, seems rather inappropriate.

  7. I was treated for hep c last year with sovaldi and olysio and as of now undectable of the virus. Many people seem to think you are cured of the virus after becoming undectable. The virus is still in your system the treatment that was used builds up antibodys to fight off affecting your liver. Once you become undetectable your viral load is not detected but still will test positive for hep c. It’s kind of like treatment for the hiv virus but don’t have to keep taking meds to obtain a undectable status. I’m no doctor but have been researching this disease and treatments for years and know more than some basic drs about the disease. You still have to live a healthy lifestyle by not being re infected with the disease. It’s been over a year now and I still suffer from depression and other mental illness. I smoke Marijuana often and seen an article about how Marijuana benefits for people who have hepatitis c and would like the government to make it legal! It benefits many other disorders and diseases, and wonder why the government will make it legal for those that would medically benefit from the use of it? The only answer I could think if they made it legal the government wouldn’t make as much money off it! The United States brainwashes our society and social media puts what people want to see not the real truth! I grew up believing that our government was for the amendments that they teach in our schools in America. We do not have the right of freedom of speech that is a myth! If you can say what you want to anyone you will be in jail! We are not the best country in this world! I wonder why all these people around the world think we have it so good? Our government regulates our health insurance and what drugs can be used in the pharmaceutical industry. Why other people go to other countries to receive treatment for different diseases that the US doesn’t want to release on the market. I am sorry to go off the topic but you must understand if they have the capability to cure every disease the population would be through the roof! I believe that our government regulates our society by not releasing certain information and cures for different reasons. I really think the government should legalize Marijuana there would be less crimes and the prison population would drop drastically!

    1. IT’S MORE PROFITABLE TO KEEP US SICK & TAKING THAT PHARMACEUTICAL GARBAGE, I BELIEVE! I also think any1 in prison for pot offenses ONLY should b giving a pardon & let free!

  8. I am so discouraged. I was diagnosed with Hep C in 2000. After a liver biopsy I was told I was geno 3 stage 1 fibrosis. Of course my gastroenterologist wanted to put me on interferon immediately but I read and learned the side effects were hell and another gastroenterologist told me not to worry just live my life and stay off the treatment. I have been clean and sober since 1983 so I decided to live my life with the Hep. About 3 years ago my 91 year old mom was suffering from anxiety and restless leg syndrome. I found her some edible Marijuana and sadly it didn’t agree with her but all she said over the next 2 years of her life was “I can’t wait for medical marijuana to be legalized so I can take a pill.” Sadly she passed before that ever happened here in Florida. I continued to do research and slowly started to use edibles for my anxiety, fibromyalgia, and COPD. I got off of 5 medications including all sleep aides, anxiety meds and three COPD inhalers. Then a new Hep C came out called Harvoni and the clear rates were phenomenal along with little to know debilitating side effects.. So a month ago I went back to my first gastroenterologist. He informed me that because I was a geno3 I would not qualify for Harvoni. But, he said there was a new drug that just got U. S. approval in July. He didn’t have any patients on it but he heard the results were as good as the Harvoni treatment. Now here’s the rub, he said the insurance company would require a drug test so I better have no cannabis in my system. I stopped the cannabis for 11 days and slowly got back on all the medications I no longer needed using cannabis.. I literally felt awful. I did my blood and urine test and, you guessed it, I had traces of cannabis in my urine. The doctor told me that the 12 course of treatment cost was $163,000 and the insurance company would not approve me for treatment. I asked him how my liver looked from all the blood work and he said it didn’t matter because I needed to be on treatment. This is the same doctor that insisted I go on interferon 15 years ago. I asked is my liver worse, the same as it was or should we at least do a fibrosis. He said no just come back in a month and we will do the urine again. Of course I don’t want the cannabis to be my deciding factor for not going on the treatment so I am completely off cannabis and back on all the medications that I was finally off off. Honestly I had no idea how much better the quality of my life was with the cannabis until I gave it up. I am back to sleeping all day, no appetite, depression and anxiety. Now I hear I might have to wait for even 45 to 60 days for a clean urine. I honestly am wondering if the cannabis was actually helping my liver heal. Also does anyone even know the long term results of these treatments. They are just coming out with the life long debilitating results of interferon and ribovirin. I am confused, disappointed because it felt so good to finally feel good. But if I throw in the towel I will never know if I could have killed this Hep C.

    1. Did u know that genotype 3 only happens in about 12% of hep c people? I am genotype 3 also. 30 yrs ago I gave birth to twins & the hospital gave me a blood transfusion 3 wks later…long story but back in the mid 80’s they didn’t check donated blood for hep c, only checked for aids. 7-8 yrs ago they gave me 2 yrs left to live…by the grace of God and a clean & healthy lifestyle I’m still here! I do take milk thistle w/tumeric & artichoke, Liv.52, Liver support & Detox & Ultra Nourish daily! I only take 1/3 the recommended dosages as I’m on a fix income so my products last for 3 months not 1 mo. THIS IS SIMPLE and I hope that this post also helps some1 else out.

      1. terrig… email me highdesertagent yahoo com you are very knowledge on hep I am hep c genotype 1 I went thru two trials

    2. Regina, I have Genotype 2B which requires the same treatment. I can tell you how to get the meds you need. Daklinza & Sofosbuvir delivered to your door for $1,500.00 US. Interested email me I make no money nor does the charity that supply’s the Meds. I live in Mexico now and the Daklinza alone is $6,186.00 for 24 pills. I was going to fly to Honduras when I found the charity. You can buy it Egypt for $1,000 entire course of treatment or India $1,300, Honduras $1,300.00. RJSCHOEN@JUNO>COM

    3. I went through hell on same two Hep -C meds. About killed me. That was 2004,still not the same,and it didn’t work.

  9. Where can I buy this juice? I live in Texas and this would be a great rejuvenation substance that I need as I try to kick my beer I love so much till it’s legal either here or in California to smoke.

    These legal corporations are killing us slowly but surely and with the help of the church I might add.

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