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Liver Health May Be Reflected in the Fingernails
Learn why changes in the fingernails could be an indicator of a liver problem.
Updated December 15, 2021
Unless there is an obvious problem, many of us tend to take our physical bodies for granted. This is unfortunate because looking closely at the human body can divulge many clues about that person’s current state of health.
Different kinds of alternative health practitioners are known to analyze a person’s eyes, gait and tongue, but these are not the only windows into a person’s well-being. If not covered up by acrylic nails or polish, fingernail anomalies can reveal several details about a person’s health – including the functionality of his or her liver.
What Are Fingernails Made Of?
Fingernails are not made of living tissue, but they reflect the health of living cells at the nail’s base. Composed of layers of the protein keratin and growing from beneath the base of the nail under the cuticle, fingernails are the accumulation of older cells becoming hard and compacted.
Thus, changes in:
- nail color
- texture
- and shape
can indicate a problem with the body’s cells, a possible sign of some type of medical condition.
Because fingernail appearance takes time to develop, nail changes that accompany a health condition are rarely the first sign of a problem.
Abnormal Nails
Despite the association between a person’s systemic health and his or her fingernails, there are several reasons that an abnormal nail could be an isolated issue.
Example 1: Trauma
Blunt force like slamming a finger in a door can cause white spots or lines on the nail.
Example 2: Fungus
A nail fungus can cause local inflammation or discoloration.
In some cases, a change in the fingernails can be caused by a temporary stressor. For example, a high fever, serious injury or infection can temporary halt nail growth. This is because the body shifts its focus away from the low priority of growing nails due to extra demand in another area.
Beau’s Lines
When the nails start growing again, horizontal lines called Beau’s lines may appear across them. According to The Mayo Clinic, the lines are “indentations that run across the nails.” Showing where the nail growth temporarily stopped, Beau’s lines grow out eventually and are typically harmless.
4 Fingernail Appearances That Could Signal a Liver Problem
While certain nail irregularities might not be associated with any systemic health issues, lasting changes to the nail’s color, texture or shape should be reported to a physician. According to a June 2010 report in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, nail changes were frequently observed in people with liver cirrhosis and the liver infections Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
For those with liver health concerns, the following fingernail appearances could signal a liver problem:
- Pale Nails – Pale nails can be a sign of liver disease, likely because the liver is required to manufacture many of the blood’s proteins. Pale nails can also indicate anemia, a potential side effect of the medications used to treat the liver disease Hepatitis C.
- Clubbing – Clubbing of the nail between the nail fold and the plate can be a sign of decompensated liver disease, when the liver has sustained enough damage to impair its functioning.
- Muehrcke’s Lines – Appearing as double white lines that run across the fingernails horizontally, Muehrcke’s lines have been linked to low levels of the protein albumin, an important component of blood that is made in the liver.
- Terry’s Nails – Also potentially due to the liver’s impairment in producing albumin, Terry’s nails is a condition marked by the tip of each nail having a dark band.
If any of the nail abnormalities listed above appear and persist, it could be time to have a discussion with a knowledgeable physician.
However, fingernail paleness, lines or odd shapes can be associated with many etiologies other than liver disease. As such, it is important to not panic if any of these nail changes are discovered.
It is true that the fingernails’ appearance can reflect the liver’s health; but, there are also dozens of other valid explanations for changes in their color, shape and texture.
http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-01-25/health/sc-health-0125-fingernails-20120125_1_nail-color-vertical-ridges-skin, Some health clues are right at your fingertips, Dawn Davis, MD, Retrieved August 25, 2012, Chicago Tribune, 2012.
http://health.howstuffworks.com/skin-care/nail-care/health/nails-signals-systemic-disease.htm, How can nails be signals of systemic disease?, Jason Nell, Retrieved August 25, 2012, Discovery Communications, LLC, 2012.
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-3083.2009.03476.x/abstract, Nail Changes in Patients with Liver Disease, A. Salem, et al, Retrieved August 26, 2012, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, June 2010.
http://www.ehow.com/about_5057680_symptoms-decompensated-liver-disease.html, Symptoms of Decompensated Liver Disease, Jay P. Whickson, Retrieved September 2, 2012, livestrong.com, 2012.
http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/muehrcke-lines-of-the-fingernails, Muehrcke's Lines of the Fingernails, Retrieved September 2, 2012, WebMD, LLC, 2012.
http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/ss/slideshow-nails-and-health, Slideshow: What Your Nails Say About Your Health, Retrieved August 25, 2012, WebMD, LLC, 2012.
http://www.zocdoc.com/answers/2902/does-hepatitis-affect-the-fingernails, Does Hepatitis Affect the Fingernails?, Retrieved August 25, 2012, ZocDoc, Inc., 2012.
I knew my nails had changed months before my liver transplant. Doctors should listen more close to what we have to say
Your new liver is with you now if you dont mind how is your health and your well being.
i am back in end stage failure due to untreatable HCV. i couldn’t take the treatment due to anemia. AKA tdog420
my nails have become very soft and tear easly?
Me too dude. Vertical lines, and they break/tear very easily. I’ve also got seborrhoeic dermatitis which docs say is not due to my hep c, but others with hep c I know have it too. Can’t understand why docs insist everything new I get can’t possibly be related to hep! Wish they’d listen. Despite my living in land of social medicine, UK, seems I need to be keeling over before I get new, effective treatment. Crazy when you think of cost to system if I get worse!
Good to know about the UK’s system. We in the US tend to hear your experience but since Obamacare, mostly how GREAT the UK’s is, which is probably bull!!
pictures would be helpful, or a link to them
I have chronic liver disease (alcohol) & didn’t notice any change in my nails, although I have always bit my nails. Iam still very poorly & 6 months abstenant my fingernails are my pride & joy, they have grown really well. After reading this I have noticed my tips do go a little brown with lines in them. I would just like to mention that my views on liver disease is lack of education & lts of people do not know what bilirubin is, this is worrying as alcohol is widely available & under age drinking is a real concern
i have hep c and hemochromtosis and i have had a fingernail fungus for years and if i dont use this fungul cream it will go to my hands and they stay super dryed out and chapped then a red rash up my arms ive tryed everything but it will not go away
Calvin have you tried using essential oils? There are oils that work specifically against fungus and bacterias. I have similar issues and using essential oils in an aloe vera base worked where pharmaceutical products did not. Anyone who grows herbs organically and makes their own products should be able to mix you something to suit. Insist that they not use an alcohol base.
Ive had spoon nail which is just what it sounds like since getting hep c. nothing helps except lamisil which is not good for the liver
I have Hep c. – having a lot of pain from the abdominal area, Doc. thinks I may have cerrosis. My nails have ridges,pail in colourand a deeper colour at the edge of the nail.The palms of my hands are almost like polka dots and I’ve got them all the time. I wonder if this has something to do with my Liver. Does anyone out there know if this would be a liver condition.
Hi Kelly, I have hep C also and I have really bad pain in my upper right abdominal area. I was told that hep C isn’t supposed to cause pain, but I just think those Doctors don’t know too much. I asked 3 different docs about the ridges in my nails , even my toenails and nobody knew what it was from, yet they didn’t do any tests, I had a liver biopsy 1 1/2 years ago and they said I was at stage 3. They also said I needed to start treatment right away. Well 1 1/2 yrs later I am still waiting to start. If I had private insurance I would be done with treatment but I’m poor so I have state and federal medical (medi-cal, medicare)so I guess I have to be just shy of dead before they will help me. So in answer to you, yes I think the ridges mean the liver is bad……
That’s your gallbladder that is giving you pain. It is inflamed. Please look into doing a liver and gallbladder flush..
I have hepatitis. c without liver problems.
My nails changed suddenly after a bout with a viral illness, not diagnosed as hepatitis c at the time. Previously i had strong healthy nails.
I do believe that there is a link..
I hav a chronic liver disease. doctrs say its Fatty liver disease.But i don,t know how can i get fatty liver.As i never used alcohol,i am non-diabetic,I never smoke though its not related to it,i have normal weight i mean i am not even over weight.I did many times hepatitis serology tests evrytime its normal.I am much worried of my liver.sometimes my jaundice fluctuates.I am getting sometimes these double lines in my nails,even a little clubbing seen there.I am gettng fruquent deep seated headaches and nausea.I can,t concentrate much over things.I am getting diziness and giddiness frequently.Is any one there with the liver disease who is getting same symtoms.Thanx
Fatty liver is caused by high sugar consumption. Try eating less sugar and instead eat plenty of vegetables, even fruit should probably be kept to a minimum. Also anyone on this forum should look into doing a liver flush, if you are at your wits end you really have nothing to lose except for gallstones 😉
Ok everyone, removing the liver is not the way to be dealing with this. It most certainly should not be the first resort with other cures out there. Please look into doing a liver / gallbladder flush. It just may save you thousands of dollars in medical bills.