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The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health


Understanding cognitive impairment makes the link between brain fog, fatigue and chronic liver disease apparent.

Most of us take our ability to think, remember and process information for granted. We consider our brain to be the headquarters of our intelligence and personality, that is, unless something interferes with our mental acuity.

Generally termed ‘brain fog,’ the dulling of cognitive function is a familiar, but unwelcome sensation to a majority of people.

For some, brain fog is a mild, transient occurrence; but for others, brain fog can be a major source of strife.

Although there are several possible reasons for this condition, those with chronic liver problems are especially susceptible to brain fog.

What Is Brain Fog?

Despite the lack of information in most medical and psychological texts, brain fog is a valid, sometimes debilitating complaint. Describing mental confusion or a lack of mental clarity, brain fog can include feeling spacey, forgetful, lost and fatigued.

It is also associated with having trouble thinking, concentrating and focusing. The frequency and severity of someone’s brain fog can vary significantly – and have a host of different causes.

Although the following three etiologies are not the only reasons someone experiences cognitive impairment, they do account for a sizeable proportion of brain fog episodes:

  1. Low on Fuel – Requiring a lot of energy, the brain consumes approximately 30 percent of our caloric intake. Anything that impairs energy production can lead to insufficient fuel for optimal brain function.
  2. Low on Fluid – As a major constituent of the human body, nearly every human function requires water. About 70 percent of the brain is composed of water. If the brain’s cells are not properly hydrated, cognitive function declines.
  3. Excess Toxins – The brain requires a lot of blood flow to function, making it one of the first organs to be affected by toxins in the bloodstream. Any condition that impairs the filtering of toxins out of the blood encourages brain fog.

Liver Disease and Brain Fog

Despite being frequently dismissed as a vague, unimportant complaint, brain fog is one of the more common symptoms of chronic liver disease. This is likely due to liver disease’s tendency to impair energy production and blood detoxification.

  • DetoxificationOne of the liver’s most vital responsibilities is filtering toxins out of the blood. When battling chronic liver disease, the liver can accumulate scars – some of which may become permanent. The more scarred a liver becomes, the less effective it is at removing toxins from the blood supply.
  • Energy Production – Another prime responsibility of the liver is its role in carbohydrate metabolism. The liver converts carbohydrates into glucose and glycogen. Glucose is used instantly for energy and glycogen is stored by the liver to be used later for energy. The more damage to the liver incurred from chronic liver disease, the less able this organ is to produce and store energy.

A combination of toxins in the bloodstream and lowered energy levels make brain fog a likely consequence of chronic liver disease.

Thankfully, there is hope for those affected. For the majority of folks, strategies to stay properly hydrated, minimize toxin exposure and provide the brain with sufficient energy are crucial to having a clear head.

In addition, those with liver concerns can benefit from supporting the liver’s ability to detoxify and produce energy – a solid recipe for easing the fatigue, disorientation and frustration characteristic of brain fog., The Water in You, Retrieved May 6, 2012, US Department of the Interior, 2012., Brain Fog, Retrieved May 3, 2012, Brain Harmony Center, 2012., Hepatic System: Liver and Gallbladder, Steven Horne, Retrieved May 3, 2012, Energy Wellness Products, 2012., Brain Fog in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Retrieved May 6, 2012,, Inc., 2012., Eliminating Gluten from the Diet can Relieve Brain Fog, Sarka-Jonae Miller, Retrieved May 6, 2012, Natural News Network, 2012., How to Keep Your Liver Healthy and Happy, Melissa Palmer, MD, Retrieved May 3, 2012, New Living Magazine, 2012.

144 Comment(s)
About the Author

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)®

Nicole Cutler, L.Ac., MTCM is a long time advocate of integrating perspectives on health. With a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester and a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches Institute, Nicole has been a licensed acupuncturist since 2000. She has gathered acupuncture licenses in the states of California and New York, is a certified specialist with the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, has earned diplomat status with the National Commission of Chinese and Oriental Medicine in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology and is a member of the Society for Integrative Oncology. In addition to her acupuncture practice that focuses on stress and pain relief, digestion, immunity and oncology, Nicole contributes to the integration of healthcare by writing articles for professional massage therapists and people living with liver disease.

144 thoughts on “The Connection Between Brain Fog and Liver Health”

  1. I thought brain fog is a result of an overabundance of unfiltered retained ammonia in the blood stream due to inability of liver to filter and dispose .. Usually more common around the end stage.  

    1. Thought that was the reason I take Lactulose….Really messes up b/m’s but I thot it soaked up the ammonia….cp

      1. I hear ya Cindy. I hate Lactulose but it the less of the two evils. I just hate the fat ivied feeling as dwell as having to be close to the toilet and the trouble remembering things.

    2. Thought that was the reason I take Lactulose….Really messes up b/m’s but I thot it soaked up the ammonia….cp

    3. You are correct, it,s the ammonia level that get’s
      You once your liver is working less and less. Maria

  2. I had a very mild case of hep c, mininal damage to my liver, which was cleared several years ago.  I remember well the Brain Fog. 

    1. “Cleared” by successful treatment I hope. Hep C is chronic and unless eradicated by drugs it is still slowly destroying your your liver. 

      1.  I did not know I had Hep C early.. I got diagnose after going in for routine tests..I was stage 3..My awesome doc put me on ribovirin..pegasys..and incivek..within 2 months I am showing no trace of virus ( Dr Brode my doc advised this is like 6 people walking out of a stadium filled with people suffering from Hep C) but Fatigue from ribovirin and itching from incivek almost unbearable BUT I still run every other day do obstacle races Spartan sprints tuff mudders and am actually training for a Spartan Beast 12 miles long. Dr is astounded that with all this going on I am still running and racing..I advised my Dr. that I refuse to let this disease (of which I contracted after living with an uncle who had Hep C in my early twenties..He used my razors  and was always in trouble and getting into fights and of course not knowing how contagious Hep C was I contracted it after cleaning him up or using my own razors.)  run my life I refuse to let this Shadow take over my life! I am 42 and should be off meds in three months I more week of Incivek and will only be taking Ribovirin..Please believe me guys that YOU can overcome..Sometimes days are so hard to get through BUT giving up will only make it worse..Dr. advised me with my new healthy lifestyle I could possibly completely (regenerate) my liver.. kinda sounds outlandish to me but it is what it is..So get up every Day and Live Life knowing 2mrw is not guaranteed..Ben 

        1. will be starting treatment soon (pegasys-interferon)ribavirin,and incivek. i am genotype 1A- grade1- this will be my third time .your story inspires me you sound like you really have zest for these meds have been known to take people out for the count.truly amazing and you are probably one of the rare and lucky few. as these meds are powerful ,overwhelming, and toxic to most heppers.good for you.

        2. You sound angry. Also at pains to make everyone ‘know’ that you are what one of thr respectable ones that was a mistake. Virus knows not who you are you are merely there. I more than likely came into intimate contact with hcv whilst poly dependent on Benzos and heroin. Poor choices with poor prognosis.
          We are all different and even this virus cannot unify us in exact experiences.
          Good Luck with the running and well done.

    2. My partner had Hep C, undiagnosed for many years. Managed to get onto a clinical trial for a drug from Germany. Now the Dr. says he’s hepc free, but the brain fog is driving him insane…literally, I’m afraid. Ready to try anything.

      1. What is the name of the drug that he took to clear the Hepc? I thought once the virus was cleared that the brain fog is gone also.
        Please respond with the info.
        Thank You

        1. sometimes so,sometimes no,,,,each case is can have brain fog but not have hepatitis encalapathy, if you have encalapathy you most likely will have brain fog.ammonia levels as well as hep c meds all contribute to brain fog.some regain full mental acuity others do not. in my case while on the meds could not read anything and short- term memorywas non-existent.

        2. Vitamen B helps with brain fog and energy. An Herb called Devil’s Claw wonderful for achy joints and sleep.
          Judy-non responder to treatment, A-1, got hep c from
          sex addiction.

      2. Please give me info on the drug from Germany I have not heard
        of it and would like to have more info on it.
        Thanks renee

  3. Having cirhosis I can relate with the brain fog, taking lactalose to regulate ammonia levels with proper diet and excercise have been very helpful along with total change in lifestyle. diagosed five years ago still plugging

  4. I am a realist, living with hep for 28 years, chronic liver disease, and other complications that come with it. Tired of it all, wishing for a miracle,  treatments didn’t work, so whats next?

  5. I had surgery at one time and having diarrea from lactulose is out of the question. My doctor put me on Xifaxan 550. I no longer have trouble with hepatic encephalopapathy from over abundance of ammonia. I also take Morphine for pain and that makes me extemely constipated. I found the cure… I eat half a box of prunes from the 99 cent store every night. It took awhile to get the combo right but I feel much better. I still don’t have much energy until I take the morphine and then I am like doing everything for the next few hours. I even started going back to church and shopping and doing a few other things that I had quit doing over time. I have had HEP C for 30+ years and is now cirrosis. My doctor assures me that a cure without side effects is close so that does keep me going!. Good luck to you all. I hope my input has helped just a little.

    1.  I’m on the same thing.  Xifaxan 550.  I have also bought probiotics at the highest degree cultures…50 billion.  only have to take one a day but helps with the gut stuff pretty good.  Me to…cirrhosis but I’m able to get enough rest during the day and it makes the difference.

      1. My hepatologist gave me a script for Xifaxan 550mg twice daily. I am on Medicaid and they refuse to pay for it. The pharmaceutical co. stated they would not help it you are on assistance.I am type1A and stage 3-4 with cirrhosis.Also the doc will not give treatment as he feels “my liver cannot tolerate” the meds. Does your ins. cover the Xifaxan?

        1. I live in California and I am 100% dis abled. I am on Medi care with Medi cal paying my deductibles. They have to pay for xifaxan 550 if you cannot tolerate the lactulose. They do primarily the same thing. I just cannot have diarrea because I start to bleed profusely. If you have tried lactulose and can handle it then I suggest staying on it. Xifaxan is very expensive at about $6,000.00 for 100 pills!.

          1. I went through a course of Interfron almost a year ago now after finding out that I was hepatic C positive 93. Since then my body regected the treatment and I have been constinantly buying milk thistle as a hepatic remedy as in not having the geno type 1A. Which is already 1A in a curable sense.  I’m 3 which is cureable. But I am not under books I’ve waited and am in extreeme discomfort that is waisted on paper we already are aware of.,

          2. Please go to Check out Gilead compound GS7977+Riv it is working so well for Geno 3 in the clinical trials , there is info on the pages for contacting

          3. Go to the Xifaxam site:  
            They have a program to help pay for the med. Plus they will call you every two weeks or every month to see how you’re doing and remind you of doctor’s appointments.

        2. how do you feel with cirrhosis? I mean ,were there any symptoms or was it just diagnoised ,, i have HCV and can not get Doctor care,in fact , the liver Doc. told me i could not have treatment because i had SEVERE deppression and he would not help me and i have no insurence so i have severe brain fog(did not know why untill now) but it hinders me soooo badly that i can not learn this new business i am trying to do online and i can not remember or retain any info at all and i amm ???

          1. Yarbrough T-your doctor is very right not to allow you to try the treatments. You just think you know depression until you start on those meds. Words cannot tell you how it made me feel because I’ve got nothing to compare it to. I didn’t tell them about my history of depression figuring hey I’m strong. I can do this anyway! Found myself in the hospital few months into 2nd treatment. My mind was so messed up I’d double dosed thinking it was another day. I stayed in the mental institute 3 months. I do not know what to tell you to do but internet is the way you learn about everything. Don’t lose hope. Try taking B12 and vitamin D and milk thistle and know you’re not alone. 

          2. I don’t know if you are still here but you need to apply for disability if you are having severe mental issues such as depression and inability to retain info. I didn’t think I would get it but I did. Then you could qualify for Medicare. Good luck.

          3. cricket3991 Have you tried the ultra milk thistle? My nephew had Hep. C and could not afford drugs so I ordered the ultra and he took it for 3 months and when he went back the Dr. swore it was a mistake till he looked at records and saw the original test results. Give it a try, it might work for you and at a price most can afford.

        3. I was on traditional medicare, but switched to Humana Gold Plus Jan 1, 2012 which is a Medicare alternative.  They pay for my Xifaxam.  I pay a $6.50 co-pay.

        4. I get the generic for xifaxan from a canada pharmacy called “buck a day”.no generic available in the good 0ld USA as the drug company don’t make enough money,lol..goggle them and then call.all meds are so much cheaper!I got the generic for 120 dollars 3 month suppy.I also helped my sister get her plavix there as she lost her insurance and it was over 100 a month.please spread the word about the rip off drug co. in the usa.use the buck a day in canada and it will be alot cheaper for all your drugs.they are certified and the rest of the world uses them and the pharmcies in India.Please check it out and tell others.I am an R.N. and I know this to be true.God bless and help us all.

        5. My Tricare insurance covered every aspect of pre transplant medications and Dr. visits, my transplant, and post transplant treatments and medications…

    2. I also have Hep C and liver disease and kidney disease and Sjogrens
      Syndrome. Also been on b/p meds for about 24yrs. Its tough to try to keep everything on an even keal.

        1. I feel that Hepatitis C is also irritating because of how it makes you feel perhaps if more excersize to a level only your body can handle would be the start of a more balanced lifelstyle on medication.

    3. Might like to try this with the prunes. Soak 5-10 prunes in water overnight. In the morning mash the mixture with a fork and drink this before consuming anything else. It makes the prunes easier to digest and   therefore act more quickly. 🙂

    4. I too, was on Peg intron alpha 2 B with Ribavirin. I was on it for 7 1/2 months and was a total non-responder. I have never been so sick in my life. That was in 2004 and I have never recovered from that.I now have my 28 year old son as my caregiver and am on Morphine for pain. I also take meds for acid reflux, thyroid 2 blood pressure meds xifaxan and sleeping pills. I have 0 energy and can hardly get around. I completely lose my sanity at times and even get violent. Depression is also always right there. I see my liver doctor next week and am going to ask him about some of the things that you guys have mentioned….. Thank You!

      1. You go for it!!  If you can focus enough…take each one of your meds and go to the computer.  Google “that medication” and add side effects. Write them down.  Keep up the same medication and add Hepatitis C. Just see what it says. Then take this info with you when you go to see your liver doctor.

        The doctors are so specialized now that I’ve had some doctors prescribe things that are toxic to the liver because they just don’t know much about hepC.  Don’t leave it all up to them. I’ve had doctors thank me for giving them the info that I have.

      2. Peg Intron alpha 2 B with Ribavirin will cause Thryroid Disease. I know I had to have mine taken out after trying all 3 of the treatments for Hep. C. It is one of the side effects. I developed Graves Disease from it.

        1. I too was on Peg Interferon alpha2B with Ribavirin. after 6 months of treatment my count was down to non-existent. However, it did act up my thyroid a bit and had to go to a specialist. Once I was off the drugs for HepC…my thyroid went back to normal. I also started having eye problems with many “floaters” interfering with my vision. that too went away when I was finished with my treatment. Soooooo many side affects…I was never so sick in all my life! Today, 5 years later, my count is still down to non-existent and except for feeling a little fatigued, I am feeling the best I have ever felt in my life….I only had to be on the drugs for 6 months..thank God! If I had to go a year or longer, I might have committed suicide…they are THAT bad!

      3. I was diag. With hep c in 1999 and immediately began treatment. No luck..then I had a yr off to recover from the first round of interferon. Then a new treatment came out…a stronger one that almost killed me. I think it was something like pegalated interferon. Nasty, toxic, poison and I nearly died. Again..failed treatment.

        I began taking milk thistle fairly early on in my illness…along with a few other supplements. My dr said waste of money…but said I could take them if I wished. And I did… Today my viral load is over 5.5 million. My enzymes are elevated, etc. but for some reason, I feel great! I might not look very good on paper…but I don’t care. I have no physical limitations… I’m surprised your dr has been giving you Morphine this long. Taking a stab in the dark, and based on my experience, you’re most likely dependent on those narcotics. And you aren’t likely to feel better till you get off them.
        Good luck to you!!

      4. So sorry to hear of your nightmare trip with the meds that were supposed to help us! Been there. .. done that! One thing you said was cause for concern, however. and that was the use of morphine. Morphing is is very strong, addictive narcotic. anyone who uses it for any length of time is going to become addicted to it. Believe it or not, this may be causing many of your ever symptoms.

        If you are anything like me, you will defend your morphine at all costs! I actually ended up in a detox unit to get off percocet and as hard as that was, once I got all that out of my system, my pain went away.

        I read a study that said that’s long term pain is a direct result of drug addiction. Camera bodies are amazing, magical in complex piece of equipment. Lol. It is amazing how it works and it is amazing that it will actually manufacture pain to convince us to keep feeding it’s the drugs it is addicted to.

        I don’t expect you to believe that. I’m not surprised if you are even angry to hear it. But I hope someday you will have the opportunity to find out when I’m talking about.

        Best wishes

    5. It helps me alot! I also am going into my 2nd decade of Hep C and I actually was in the TRIAL fo “ribatron”..which is part of the interferon protocol for Hep C..I had a terrible reaction..Until they come up with something else that does NOT include THESE 2 drugs..I won’t be going on ANY medication. I ALSO have a chronic pain issue and I am just feeling a LOT older and more tired at 57 years old..Thanks for your comment.

  6. I finished my treatment in December 2011. I was diagnosed with hep-c and stage 4 cirhosis of the liver. I was treated with month of telapavir and 6 months of interferon. I suffered with every side effect known to these diseases. I have been declared hepc free but the scarring will take sometime because of the stage off the cirhosis. Today I had my three month check up and spoke about memory loss etc. All I want is my memory back and to be able to get my life back.

    1. Had you done treatment before?  I’ve done two rounds of interferon &ribavain, the docs say I would only have a 20 percent chance to clear the virus.  I am end stage liver disease.  It takes a while to get all the drugs out of your system..  Hang in there and be glad you cleared the virus.  Congrats!!!

  7. Being a hep c positive pat. No doctor seems to understand that each person reacts to this disease differently side effects are always different although brain fog (hepatic encepalopaph) is the worst followed by Pain on morphine for years. Knowing your dieing is a blessing an a curse but after38yrs positive an only sick for 4 cant complain to much Liver flush helps an a plant based diet is also helpful dont let the depression get you seek a good psych. being a hard core gang banger I though that was weak until I tried zanax no more stuttering anxiety an depression is much better LOTS of water an fresh juice (apple an carrott) mixed together use a juicer avoid coffee sugar an most important ALCOHOL tylenol  an motrin use aspirin cigaretts are horrible also anything that is poison will end up killing you 

  8. Several of you talked about morphine. For pain? which pain, the joint pain? the inflammation? How do you ask for it. Can’t do interferon–it almost killed me.  I have brain fog, fatigue, and for two weeks my legs and ankles have been so puffed up  I can’t get shoes on. This is the first time in the 12 years I’ve been dealing with symptoms that I’ve started thinking about drugs. 

    1. There is a natural doctor in Las Cruces, NM that will save your life. Dr. Berkson will do it but it costs about $6000 and takes 2 weeks of being there at his clinic. I’ve been and am doing really well with Hep C and Cirrhosis. Look him up on the internet, he’s for real and it works. Insurance won’t cover it but sell everything and go, if you need to stay alive.

      1. How long ago did you see the Dr.?  What type of treatment did he give you? I would like more info on this Dr. please respond.

  9. I have had “brain fog” ever since my last interferon treatment.  My doctor gives me  adderall, which is a stimulant.  It provides me with the “brain power” I need to function.  In fact, if I didn’t take the adderall, I wouldn’t be able to go to school.  While it is a stimulant, I don’t get any stimulant effects from it at all….no appetite loss, no nervousness…my blood pressure & pulse do not rise.  My thinking just becomes clearer and I can even do math, which is something I could NOT do without the medication.  I’m not a proponent of unnecessary medication by any means – but I am in favor of better living through chemistry if possible.  And I like being able to think!

      1. Hi! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply! I did not know until right now that there was a reply on here! How can we find out about a reply to a comment we make on a thread?

        Anyway… my rx for adderall is written for 20 mg twice per day. I didn’t start out at that dose, but I’ve worked up to it.

  10. i found out i have Hep C 3 yrs. ago when I found out I had diabetes  but don’t know what shape i’m really in.most likely got it in late70’s or early 80’s, I hope to start treatment in a year or so. [ no job,no ins.] I have brain fog and it bugs the crap out of me

    1. If you have minimal liverdamage and the luxury of waiting . new meds expected about 3 yrs. If treatment is suggested by your doctor  (ASAP)  try incivek or victrellis. many believe it is best to wait, but each case is different

    2. I tried tx for the second time, the first time i made it 5 weeks on ribavarin and pegasys, the second time i lasted 15 weeks on incivek, ribavarin, and pegasys and was hospitalized for 2 months. I almost died. The triple tx is RUFF! I now have nodules in my lungs, thyroid, kidney stones, cysts in kidneys, and many other health issues. I infectious disease doctor will not allow me to take interferon again. I am waiting on a “gentler” treatment. However, after 15 weeks I was UNDECTATABLE on my viral load. Just had a new VL taken and waiting on results. I am genotype 1A. If you can wait for an easier treatment, I would advise it….

      1. I’m sorry to hear that Tami Blackburn. Thanks for the info. I’m a non-responder. Been on treatment twice. This Incivek was gonna be next but I cannot imagine it being even worse! Plus I had kidney cancer and lost my right kidney last yr. I guess I will hold off. What choice do I have?

        1. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences with treatment…everybody. I’ve now heard a number of people say they developed cancer after HCV drugs. It happened to me too. Who follows up and collects this information? I’d like to know the percentage of people who do the treatment and have long term recovery without any other complications. Anyone know how to find out?

  11. This is all great information. Wondering if those  posting could include their genotype, and if treated successfully, what was the procedure, and how can others get involved? Thanks for the posts!

  12. Nicol,
    Thank you for posting your article. It is important to remember this,  especially no physician mentioned this to me, no physician believed me and trying to explain this to family and friends, don’t really believe me either. I have Diabetes Type 2 that started at about the same time that my Hep C, after thirty something years, became active and I am now in cirrhosis. I think the fa og thing was the first symptom that I noticed.
    I do cognitive skills training on the web 5 to 7 days a week to keep the brain fade …..from fading. It has helped a lot.

  13. Dandelion leaf tea is great for pulling out fluid build up…tastes fine too. It feels like  the brain fog is also related to episodes of inflammation and fluid retention.  I probably got HCV type 2 in the late 60s, and no energy and joint pain sent me to a doc in 1998. They had just identified the virus and it took me a whole year to get an appt. w/ a liver doc. (in a major city) I’ve been dealing with it herbally and with diet since then but it has progressed. I use the UltraThistle off this site, and a number of supplements. I don’t know how to avoid the brain fog that comes and goes. Really disruptive and frustrating because my family can’t “see” the problem and keep asking “why don’t you just go get a job?”  I did get on disability and BEWARE my friends. When you turn 66 and get turned over to Social Security the medical coverage changes and my “income” dropped. (Let’s not even talk about what it’s like to live on $600/mo.) 

  14. I find that Ginkgo is helpful. I take Gaia brand drops so I can control the amount that works best for me. Usually It’s too strong in pill form.

  15. In my opinion, it’s important to not allow all that TV entertainment stuff and movies and internet become so involving that it leaqves very little interest or chance to be more active.
    Ever since my liver transplant in ’04, I have been somewhat active dailoy. If i overdo it, I’m looking for trouble, If I hardly move much, I’m also looking for trouble. I find that getting a pedometer is important because it helps look back at each day and see how many steps i walked which usually translates into how active I was, Being active stimulates my brain and leaves little time for fogging out.
    Love to you all my fellow Hep Cers. Yes, I still have it even after the transplant but it bothers me quite a bit less.

  16. Keep doing this !  All your new information is such an inspiration for me and, I’m sure, for my fellow (ex)hep c patients too. After 2 cures (24 & 48 weeks on ribavirine and interferon) I’m clean, but my energy level is low.  I learn more and more why, what and what do to, thanks to this site.

  17. I am reading all these comments for the first time, and NEVER knew anything about “brain fog”…I thought I was getting Alzheimer’s.  What’s really messed up is that after the 48 week treatment of Ribiviran and Interferon, with “no trace” of HepC in my system…I thought, cool, now I am “CURED”. That’s what Doc said. Are we EVER “CURED?” 

    1. hi deborahdmd, well technically in the true sense of the word “cured” i dont believe so.but medically they use this word very broadly and loose.and like to believe otherwise. what really happens is the virus is supressed to such a low amount of level in the blood ,that it can not harm or cause further damage to the liver,Are you ready,,,,,?? heres the clincher, if i treat and clear after 48 weeks  I  will still always test positive for  hep C. (antibodies), now  if i was truly cured in the true sense of the word then technically  I should test  negative. this is hotly debated among professionals. and believe it or not some doctors beg to differ

      1. don’t be silly any virus that you have been exposed to, your antibody will still be positive. That is your immune system working. If you are negative for hep c 6 months post therapy, the chances that the virus will come back is less than 2%.

    2. Hi Deb. Please get re-checked in 6 months. I have other forum friends that showed cured, and it came back. Keep-up the hope though. everyone is different. I would just get re-checked from time to time. Good Luck to your health.

  18. Dear friends! I need to have your
    experiences about the possibility of being married? Have you ever been afraid
    of transferring the disease to your children or wives? What do you think about
    that?  Is this brain fog affected
    your relations? Manny thanks. 

    1. I got Hep C when I had transfusions after the births of both my children in 74 and 76. I had 3 units in 74 and 5 units in 76. I didn’t know until 2004 and was on a study @ IU Medical Indianapolis Indiana. I was married 32yrs and after my divorce in 2003 I found out I had it. My husband was tested and didn’t have it neither do my kids. If you want to get married you just need to read up on things that should not be shared. Like toothbrushed, shavers, toothpicks, anything that you could cut yourself with and would shared has to be cleaned with boling water or bleach. Carry rubber gloves  and bandaide in your car incase your out and cut yourself. don’t let Hep C take over your life.

    2. No worries MMM. It was while I was in the hospital 6 months pregnant with my 2nd child having placental abruption when I was first diagnosed with hep c. I’d never even heard of it. Words cannot tell you the fear I was in for years. My husband finally told me he’d had it since the 80s and I’m positive I got it from him around 1995 when we had experimented with needles and meth. I put my kids through hell having them tested every year for a long time but they do not. I’ve divorced and since had 2 relationships and they do not have hep c and I’ve got the worst kind to treat type 1a I think or either 1b. Just be careful if you get hurt and don’t let anyone come in contact with your blood. Don’t waste your time worrying about it because that will drive you crazy.

    3. I have not got information like this before, nor
      from my doctors who do not care.

      This information helped me to understand what
      I feel. I have (C, type 4 a, c, d). I am from Sweden, not US, I discovered the
      sickness 5 years ago, I was 27 years old, under a routine analyze to see why I
      have a yellow color in my eyes. I had the color since 4 years old but doctors
      always said it was Gilbert Disease and nothing to care about.

       I do
      not know how I got it which is something heart me. I felt disappointment and my
      life was over at that time but God helped me to be strong and face this enemy.
      Thanks God that I have no damages and all my analysis is OK and thus Doctors
      refused to treat me though my insistence.  The treatment here is free.

      However, I feel myself tired, having a temperature,
      concentration difficulties that doctors do not care about, this report opened a
      big world to me to understand HCV and your comments and experiences are so

      I am grateful that you share your life with
      us. My heart is with you all. May God bless you and look at you.

      1. yes it is very sad and frustrating that Doctors do not know much or really care about this disease whic they should because it is epidemic now!The liver doctor told me to go home and deal with it myself   so that is what i do and it is Hepatitus Central and sites like it that have totally educated me  funny huh doctors do not know as much as i&we

  19. Trying to find ways to adapt to HCV after 3 non-responsive tmts. I suffer with brain fog, pain, fatigue and constipation. I take Lactulose, Vicodin HPs 6Mmg/day, Paxil 20mg and Nadolol. Had 2 internal bleeds as well. The acetamediphine in the Vicodin is very harmful and constipating.The fog is very detrimental for me. I now have a cataract and have lost hearing which Ive read can be brought on by hcv. The pain I have is difficult to describe to Doctors. Im unable to locate a medical prof that completely understands hcv.  I want to change from Vicodin to something less harmful but my Doc isnt sure what to prescribe. In fact Im not so sure he believes in my pain. I just started Acupuncture, Therapeutic massage, Reiki. Want to start swimming and yoga but my energy level is fighting me.

    1. i have a lot of noise in my head and loud in my ears at times worse or a litle better and have lost some of my hearing so is that along with severe fatigue and cloudy mind,no motivation,no energy,no will to live and never ever feel eally good that HCV i think i got it in the early 70.s injecting drugs(teenager) big mistake ,,but at that time even aids was not heard of???i have COPD and severe deppression and at the time of dignoise had to get county assisstance so no Doc. now?? my eye sight is getting worse every day

      1. I get the ringing in my ears and head noise in bouts…usually when I slack off taking the milk thistle and I get a lot of water retention. I drink a lot of dandelion root/leaf tea as a diuretic and the noise gets much less.  Depression goes with large dose of vit.D.
        I keep forgetting to say I use the UltraThistle on this website.

    2. Advil–ibuprofen is the least toxic to the liver.   But the meds you’re on are pretty toxic themselves. Yeah I know the pain…I’ve described it like fibromyalgia, arthritis, meningitis, etc.   I rarely have it anymore. I’ve posted a lot here about what I take that works and if I were more disciplined I’d probably be able to make more progress. But at least my doctors are surprised I’m so stable only using herbs.

    3. I’m so sorry Sharon. 3 rounds of treatment is impressive you made it thru em all. Tripletherapy is up next for me. That is if i’m mentally able. It’s all so horrible and mentally exhausting. Please keep us informed on how things are going for you. I’ve started more vitamins and herbs and eating healthier. That can’t hurt.

  20. MMM–If you look at the research on any PubMed or NIH site, they show a very low chance of getting the virus through vaginal sex. Anal sex carries a higher risk because of tiny tears that occur in the more fragile wall of the colon. There is a very low rate of transmission at birth.

  21. After 12 years of managing on herbal treatments I tried interferon…I lasted 6 weeks and it almost killed me. I took me a year to recover from the illnesses resulting from the INF/ribavirin. I’m back on milk thistle, NAC, selenium, dandelion leaf tea, Vit.D, C, and probiotics. If I really need something to stop inflammation or pain I use ibuprofen.    USE GOOGLE.  My magic search method is to use whatever I need= “pain killer” + ” hepatitis C”      You can use that for diet info: ” best foods for Hepatitis C” .  For symptoms:  fatigue + hepatitis C    etc.     I RECOMMEND USING:  “alternative treatment for fatigue + hepatitis C”    A good Naturopath or Osteopath in your area can be a godsend. Acupuncture is nice if you get it through a Traditional Chinese Medical Dr. (medically trained acupuncturist)  I’ve met many people who went through INF/RIB treatment with no trouble, I hope that’s you but it wasn’t me. I always feel much better NOT taking pharmaceuticals–prescription drugs–and sticking with natural medicine. 
    STRESS MANAGEMENT–Doctors will now tell you how important a role stress plays in kicking up symptoms. I find it’s the hardest thing to control and it can send my body in a tailspin. Worries about money, liver condition, depression etc. make everything worse. I learned to meditate, appreciate nature, listen to quiet music, think about how much better I have it than others, appreciate being alive. That’s hard sometimes; takes effort, but it pays off.  I wish the grace and support of divine love enclose us all.

    1. Hi Sandra, I too went thru the interferon/ribavirin. 50 weeks of hell and negative results. I have HEP C and wont take any more of any doctors’ bullshit. I have expierienced many BAD side effects from the various meds I have been prescribed. They all are crap. After weighing all the possible side effects vs. the meds, I chose no meds. My family too. has been thru hell and back. ESpecially my wife. STRESS is a KILLER! Anything and nearly everything sends me reeling. I can’t explain how come for me , the stress is so bad. But, its killing me. I really cant deal with medication (Anti-depressants)that make me feel detached and give me an I don’t give a shit additude. The only thing I am reling upon is  B-12 and other vitamins. I too, wish for the grace, and love of God, to help me with this affliction. I wish that for everyone who has this burden to carry and especially their loved ones. bg

      1. Keep your faith in God and read his word and he will get you through this. I have hep-c also and that is where I draw my strength.Jesus suffered an awful death and when I get discouraged I just think about what he endured and know that his grace is sufficent and he will take care of all us that believe in him.

    2.  than you for reinforcing my beliefs about interferon ,i also meditate pema chodron  a buhdist  monk has been a life saver for me ,how many mil. of vitamin c do you take a day? brian

    3. I’ve turned to natural alternatives instead of the medication that is used to treat hep c.  I already know I couldn’t handle it.  The depression alone would kill me. I’m going to check out the vitimin D3 you mentioned. I’m suffered with depression for years also.  You might want to check out Lloyed Wright on the internet.  He has successfully treated his hep c with alternative, natural, suppliments.  His story is incredible and worth checking out for anyone who is suffering with hep c.

      1. Hi Bone…I’ve read the Wright book and I say right on to the people who have benefited. I’ve just never met anyone who has used that protocol.  I’ve been on at least three chat sites over the years and nobody has spoken up and said that’s what they use. Also, because it’s a little pricey to use everything he suggests I’ve never tried it. Good luck with depression…I notice the difference within 3-4 days if I stop taking the D.

  22. My husband was diagnosed with cirrohis of the liver 3 years ago. He uses
    a grear probiotic and vitamins along with Live52 and  the Ultra Milk Thistle. We believe all are working in his favor.  We don’t know the extent of the cirrohis but we know the vitamins have been proven to be absorbed by the body up to 95%’ along with this he also takes another great product by our company with the
    cold water Omega 3.  I love receiving this information and appreciate it greatly. My name is Pat and my husband’s name is Wayne.

  23. Have had hepC for 30 years and in the last 10 I have experienced the most difficulties with the fatigue and brain fog. Never been treated and do my best to eat natural foods, no drinking or drugs, and exercise regularly. Last year I finished college and became a teacher. Brain fog has become my worst nightmare. I have to eat a good breakfast and lunch and a small snack about every hour to keep the fog at bay. I also sip on a mixture of Agave syrup and water.  The Agave drink has been my best defense against keeping my blood sugar from dropping and preventing bouts of brain fog. 

  24. My father started with “brain fog” around this time last year. He had a liver transplant february 1998. We thought maybe it was just “old age” (he was 58 at the time). He then started falling, we then thought, it was sinus or ear infection. In October of 2011, he fell and the truck ran over his leg, that’s when we knew there was a problem. He also passes out with position changes. In early 2000s he tried interferon and it made him so sick he could not tolerate it. At this point he’s on Xifaxim 550 twice a day along with 30ml of lactulose. He was officially diagnosed with hepatic encephalopathy January 2012, which he “slips in and out of”. He has good days and bad, sometimes his good days are close to a month, then we end up in the hospital with dehydration and confusion. Lately though, his good and bad are closer. Now, we count everyday as a blessing. The point is, don’t procrastinate, I feel as though we waited too long. We think, “what if” daily. Don’t miss “brain fog”.

  25. My heart goes out to all of you who have not found help. FIRST: 
    APPLY FOR SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY RIGHT NOW. You will get turned down first and have to apply again. Brain fog and confusion is a basis for receiving disability insurance.  Everyone deserves health care. Even though I don’t take meds I rely on the labs and supportive MDs who let me research the herbal alternative to what they prescribe.   SECOND: My doctor has me on 5000 Vit. D per day for a month at a time, then 1-2000 per day. They prescribe D2. D3 is better and cheaper. This has CONQUERED DEPRESSION for me which is something I’ve battled with for years. THIRD:  Live a healthy way. NO NO NO alcohol. Maybe 2x a year I party and take lots of alpha lipoic acid first. Eat healthy–no fast food, not too much meat, lots of veggies and beans and salads and fruit (if it’s fresh or frozen). LAST:  Research. Learn how to take care of yourself. I found a medical journal article from Germany that reports a physician treated 4 people who were told they were too sick to receive treatment or get a liver transplant. They had last stage cirrhosis. For a year they took Selenium, Milk Thistle, and Alpha Lipoic Acid. They all reversed cirrhosis in varying degrees, improved greatly and were able to return to work.(I can give you the title if you want) BELIEVE YOU ARE HEALING!
    I know there are several clinics like the Gerson clinic that apply natural healing. YES MOST OF THE GOOD ONES SUCCEED. Get a personal recommendation and look at all the press positive and negative. I know three people who have cured their cancer this way.  Bless us all.

    1. Thanks so much for your help have applied for disability i live in alabama have went thru the whole process and was turned down by ssa disabilty 3 times because the judge said i didnt meet ssa disability criteria, have went thru 3 diff. treatments and praise god in sept. 2011 started the new treatment 3in 1 combo incivek/ribaviron/pegasys injection weekly and praise god at 3 mos of treatment i was undected at 6mons undetected and almost finished the treatments only 6 to go i have genotype 1a the hardest to treat, the most devestating thing to me is i have never drank, smoked, or used any drugs and have on body tatooes and somewhere somehow i have come in contact with this horrible virus. My faith has been strong thru this whole ordeal and God has shown me how mighty and powerful he is i have chronic fatigue, anemia, forgetfulness, sleepless nights, fever,chills, nervousness u name it i have experienced it thought i was just getn older but its definitely the medicine and disease..If God were not with me every moment of my life i would not be here today, becuz the devil has truly tried to destroy me , I have overcome by the blood of Jesus all this trial in my life. Praising his name because he is almighty…Hang in there for those of you who are still hanging on there is always Hope. Just keep your FAITH>>>

    2. lovely post Sandra, and spot on. I was given 12 months nearly three years ago, unless i had a transplant. Positive thinking does so much good, though lost my wife to hep. c 1 year ago. I’m in the Uk and our treatment centres are second to none, thank God for the N.H.S.i’m no longer on the list as i feel fine. One similarity between USA and Uk is the benefit sytem, they make it so hard for hep sufferers to claim disability. In most cases i feel they think – self inflicted, so tough, but so many have never drunk or taken drugs. Best to all sufferers x

      1. Thanks for speaking out Mark. We HepC folks have a constant battle with the pharmaceutical bias in the US, lack of financial support (Medicare doesn’t cover any herbs or supplements), depression, and friends and family who don’t understand the impact of the “invisible” symptoms. We need to encourage each other and remember there are many who survived the INF/rib treatment in good shape. I’ve met them. They just don’t hang around the chat rooms because they’ve gotten their active lives back. I’m a little jealous but very happy for them. I never would have chosen this, but HepC has been my greatest life teacher. It keeps me humble.

  26. Forgot to say that SLF and Ultra Milk Thistle both by Integrative Laboratories is amazing. Along with Vitamen B 75 and Devil’s Claw by DeVinci Labs. SLF has tumeric and dandelion in it.

  27. i was diagnosed w/hep c in ’89.i went thru the interferon therapy and  wouldn’t wish it on anybody.i have brain fog but the Xifaxan works very’s probably the most effective medicine i’ve ever taken.thank god i can afford condition is stable,i feel good most of the time,which i am very grateful for, except for anemia which tires me’s frustrating because i can only work for short periods of time and i had a great deal of stamina before i got worse.i’m just glad for the time i have now.

  28. In my close on thirty years of being aware that i was Hepatic i have not been able to liase with a Dr or Specailise.

    1. There is not enough support in the liver department and it would be best looked into I mean seriously taking a more realistic look at atitudes and this is a problem that I feel isnt readable is going to fail us.

  29. I had a liver transplant 2 yeas ago and had brain fog befoe the tansplant. Ever since then i have had trouble concentrating. i used to be an avid book reader and i havent been able to read a complete book since then. i just cant stay focused on any thing more than a minute or two. i thank God for my second chance but the brain problems are more than i bargenened for.i am now back in end stage due to my HCV, i could not take the interferone treatment, it almost killed me.  

    1. Thunt7662-I’m so sorry for the struggles you have faced and still have to face in life. What a tragedy to end up the same after the transplant! Or maybe worse? I made it about 6 months through peg int and ribovarin then made it another 6 months thru pegasys and ribovarin. No response from either then there are all the horrible after effects now as well as liver disease. I know exactly what you mean by not being able to keep your mind on reading a book through anymore. I only lately read about brain fog trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. For me this is more devestating than the hep c and the cirrhosis. I had some hope before but what good is hope if you can’t even think right anymore? Good luck to you. My heart goes out to you.

  30. My husband w/Hep C had Ribavirin/Interferon first in 1992.  After that, he was always cold.  He had a transplant in 2000.  in 2007 at age 68, he had Ribavirin and interferon again.  He wasn’t fat, lost 40lbs, and seemed to age 15 years.  Couldn’t tolerate heat or cold, couldn’t exercise, cognitive problems, would fall asleep, memory problems.  The treatment had caused mitochondrial toxicity.  DO NOT DO THIS TREATMENT IF YOU ARE A SENIOR CITIZEN.  Especially don’t do it if you are genotype 1b, as it’s the worst responder.  Older people already have compromised mitochondria.  At his clinic, two healthy active 70 year old women died on the treatment.  The FDA does not require drug companies to report mitochondrial side effects of drugs.  Before the treatment, he could chop wood for hours.  Afterwards, he could barely do any handyman things around the house without becoming fatigued and having to rest for nearly a day.  He takes tons of supplements including ALA, milk thistle, acytyl carnintine, CoQ, omega 3s.  I agree that when well-hydrated, he doesn’t have as much pain, cognitive problems and doesn’t feel cold all the time.  If you aren’t getting enough omega 3s (certain fish and leafy green veggies), then you should supplement, but it’s best to get everything through whole foods.  He has 70% of mitochondrial disorder symptoms from the treatment.  When I told his clinic doctor, he nearly bit my head off.  I can’t find a single neurologist to help me, so I learned from doing research.

  31. I would like to recommend a supplement that is an immune booster and for me, has made the difference between being almost unable to work and being able to function once again.I have hepatitis C and experienced extreme dizzy spells, extreme fatigue, and just all around bad feeling. I read about an immune booster called Noxylane 4. It can triple your NK cell activity. NK cells target viruses and cancer cells in particular if I am understanding properly. Hep C is a virus. This product is expensive but search for the best buy and try it. I felt 1000 percent better after just 3 days. I’ve been taking it for seven straight years.
    Everything else I’ve been reading from these postings is good stuff, but nothing is addressing the cause of the problem, and that’s the virus. The immune system has to be helped in killing it. Try this stuff…you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.   

  32. My doctor says pain killers do not work because of my impaired liver function (hep c + cirrhosis). Would milk thistle work in this condition?

    1. Milk Thistle has been proven to support liver function. Google PubMed for information.  The book I started out with is the HepC Help Book by Dolan.  It’s not totally up to date unless there’s another edition out but it has the most thorough overview with easy to understand explanations of the liver, its functions, the virus and what it does, all the possible treatments and what things seem to be universally helpful.   By the way, I really like Nicole Cutler’s articles and want to thank her.

      1. Milk thistle is actually a mandatory part of the treatment of hep c in some other countries. Not in the USA tho because herbs and vitamins are not standardized by the government. I wouldn’t bother buying from anyone except maybe a GNC or herb shop. When I was first diagnosed with hep c I made sure I took milk thistle every single day for the next 5 years straight and in my case I never got any benefits from it. Nothing I could tell. 

        1. (I think in Canada it’s covered by insurance!)  Milk Thistle is not a cure…it helps protects the liver. If you hadn’t been taking it your liver may have become more damaged more quickly. I feel the UltraThistle from this site has been the best for my body…and everyone is different. I’ve tried Liv52, various mushroom decoctions, different brands of milk thistle and, just like conventional treatments, I get negative responses or no response to many of them. I wish for us all the information and IMAGINATION to see ourselves living a long time with fewer symptoms.

          1. Thank you Sandra. I just wasn’t looking at it right. I bet the 5yrs of milk thistle did help protect my liver. I didn’t get any worse. Just last 2yrs I can tell I’ve passed stage 2 cirrhosis. I just can’t think right anymore. I lost my right kideny last yr. Cancer. Don’t think I’m able to try tripletherapy. I’m at a point now where I’m going to try anything natural. Anything to get me thru another couple yrs. I’m not ready for what I know is coming. I can’t imagine a liver transplant! The 1st 2 treatments I tried were pure hell. I still shake and my eyes are all out of whack. My brain just can’t absorb all this info. All I know for sure is I’m going to get the ultra milk thistle and more vitamins and herbs and start eating healthier. I have a grandbaby now and I have got to stick around longer. It’s just so damn hard. 

  33. I can’t believe they didn’t include Encephalopathy.  This is extremely common in those with Liver disease.  The liver is the primary organ for removing toxins from the blood stream.  When the liver fails there is a buildup of ammonia and it goes direcrtly to the brain resulting in fog and far worse.  I’ve been there and it’s no fun.

    It’s known as hepatic encephaloathy.

  34. I have Hep C & am geno 2b & have treated x2 & relapsed both times.My liver biopsy showed me @ Grade 2 & Stage 4 (severe) with fibrosis & cirrhosis plus I have a lot of scarring but believe it or not my liver is still compensated so I am one of the lucky ones.
    Thank you so much for your article did help me.
    Take care

  35. Helllo all, I have been battling Hepc type 1 for about 7 yt 21ears.they say I was infected about 21 yrs ago. My biopsy shows. Have class 2 fibrosis.So. that put me smaack at the dental office when I contacted it. 3 days per week I am wied when I was told I had a heart valve congenital problem I was very scared. After surger about 4 days, I walked but legs were swollen,and I felt like the floorr was going to meet me while standing ,slight fever,cold sweats no brain dr a cardiothoracic surgion said what I was tellin him was crap! I was stunned and told him it was real.He thought I just didn’t want to walk I suppose. I left the hospital because it was so bad. Am doing well now.It has been a nightmare.Open heart surgery and all the bullying from this man.

  36. Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture recognises Hepatitis under the conditions of DAMP HEAT. Like compost. The dampness causes the brain fog. It obscures the clear energy/mind. It is the relationship between Earth/Wood elements. To support the Earth to not succumb to Dampness avoid excessive sweet, raw, cold food. Dairy seems to aggravate. Barley helps drain damp especially in slow cooked stews that have pumpkin, sweet potato to give natural sweet flavor for Earth..  Acupuncture is great to help support the Liver and clear damp. I have repeatedly seen ALT’s decrease with treatment. To understand how it works is to open to another paradigm, but well worth the journey. Using wisdom from all disciplines is empowering

  37. TO: oldcardude. You sound just like me. I am in bed most of the time. My doc just stated giving me morphene also. I am in early stage 4. I agree the Morphoine? Dalauid, helps me get what I need to do, done, it helps for a few hours. I am having a new PAIN Stomach area, left quadrant, above the belly button. It is stabbing pain. I have an Ultra sound Tomorrow morn.

  38. Can someone please let me know what kind of Alpha Lipoic Acid they use and where they purchase it from ? Also where is a good / less expensive place to but selenium from ? I am a 56 year old male carrying Hep C for over 35 years and I do have cirrosis. Thanks- Steve– My e-mail address is

  39. Has anybody found a natural treatment for edema…my legs are swelling up and my feet get so bad I can’t get in my shoes. I tried acupuncture and it helped a lot but it’s $100 a time. I took the diuretics my doc prescribed but for some reason it made my heart hurt, my chest heavy and my breathing felt funny…so I quit. I just tried one dose again and those symptoms came back. Looking again for a food, a tea, herb, homeopathic, anything natural. Sometimes I feel great and sometimes I feel like it’s just time to die.

  40. My wife has had Hep C for quite some time and cannot tolerate any of the conventional methods of treatment. She also has IBS and I’m wondering if taking milk thistle will cause any problems for her. Any comments or answers would be helpful. Thank you

  41. I have had Hep C for 40 years. Went thru 22 mouths of interferon 15 of it with Ribavirin. Did not respond so in 2001 went on lactulose until Aug. 2013. Had a Liver transplant late Aug. 2013 Still have effects from hepatic encephalopathy. I have brain fog, depression, fatigue and headaches. I also live with severe back and leg muscle and spine pain. Geno type 1 level 3 mil. They will treat it later. Don’t get me wrong I am so happy for my second chance at life. I will forever be thankful for the donor for my new life. I do feel more alive and if that’s all I will be thankful for the rest of this life. It has taken me 2 hours to type this note. Hang in there life is good and keep opening those doors and who knows you may get a surprise. God Bless you all,

  42. I’ve had Hep C for about 35 yrs and have undergone 2 failed Interferon treatments with Ribavirin. I find that daily exercise in the form of walking and cycling very beneficial. Don’t just sit there and stew in your own juice feeling sorry for yourself. Get out and get the blood moving around. I have also found that my addiction to nicotine is most unhelpful and I feel much better on the many occasions where I have given up. Nicotine gum and lozenges play havoc wth my liver, where as patches don’t.

  43. By now I am accustomed to the brain ,fog I accepted it and live /w it.its one of the fringe benefits of hep c!! (Hee hee- ha ha !!) Us helpers all need a good laugh once in a while !!!! Best raytuned

  44. God bless Dr.owona for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HIV since 2014 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HIV out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HIV i saw a comment about ( how he cured HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 14 days later i was cured from HIV, Dr.owona truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don’t you contact him through his WHATSAPP NUMBER +2348115204568.. : or you can also reach him on email address,


  46. I smoked for 20 years, October 2014 i was diagnosed of Emphysema my doctor told me there is no permanent cure for the disease, i was given bronchodilators to help me relax my bronchiolar muscles, I managed on with the disease till a friend told me about a herbal doctor from South Africa who sell herbal medicines to cure all kind of diseases including emphysema, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and made purchase of the emphysema herbal medicine, i received the herbal medicine through DHL within 5 days, when i received the herbal medicine i applied it as prescribed and was totally cured of emphysema within 18-20 days of usage, the symptoms reduced till i even forgot i had emphysema, i went back to my doctor for diagnosis with spirometry and he confirmed i was free from the disease, contact this herbal doctor via his email or website on www(dot)drlusandaherbal(dot)weebly(dot)com

  47. I was diagonose of Emphysema in 2010 and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 3 years ago, our family doctor told me there was no cure but it can only be controled. Ever since then i have been running heather scepter looking for a solution to my problem because i was going to lose my Job if i dont get better, until i ran into this online testimony of Dr Lusanda who have been curing people of COPD with his herbal remedy i immediately contacted him via their email, to God be thy glory i bought this COPD herbal remedy and was cured within 3 weeks of usage, at last this is a break through for all COPD/emphysema patients contact this herbal clinic via their email drlusandaherbal(AT)gmail(DOT)com or website on www(DOT)drlusandaherbal(DOT)weebly(DOT)com

  48. still don’t know the right words to express my Gratitude to the Great Dr.Lusanda After been diagnosed of hepatitis in 2014, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found testimonies of Great Dr. Lusanda in an online research and on Facebook, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did email him and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, i was cured from hepatitis by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that hepatitis can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I’m truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support. Contact Lusanda today, Email: Drlusandaherbal(at)gmail(dot)com or www(dot)drlusandaherbal(dot)weebly(dot)com

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